Because I've more or less stopped doing this..

Mar 25, 2008 21:58

I give you my day!

Swelling and evil pain in my tooth has gone down (yipee!), and my old dentist called me back at 8am (-_-). So I let them know I had found an appointment elsewhere and tried to go back to bed, bad for me last night was a blood massicure so I spent a few hours cleaning that up. Not fun, but moving on. I eventually draged my sorry, sore ass out of bed, showered and stumbled down stairs to re-heat my pancakes (blue berry corn meal from Vcon!) with blueberry syrup, a quick tooth brush packed my stuff and headed to physics center for capa/pre-lab.

I was able to find Walter for once and ask about our lab and finish the pre-lab fairly early. Sadly the T.A.'s where late and again only one showed up (poor guy) so I've only done 1-11 on the capa before biology class (which was the most pointless en devour, terribly boring and I wasn't able to pay attention to a damn thing.)

This bio-section is killing me, I've never found it so hard to pay attention. The prof flips through her slides so quickly I cannot even type her notes (and I type fairly fast). Bother,bother. Anyways I don't find she says much aside from re-re-re-explaining her already clear notes, so I guess it doesn't matter so much as long as I take the time to get the notes from her website.

Afterwards came physics lab, we got to playwith radioactive material and lead (YAY!). So health and safety aside, this was a pretty dumb idea. Anyways the lab involved thousands of measurements, averages and boring calculations so it wasn't that exciting. The highlights were watching the boys (Edgar and Kahlid) play with the radioactive read [sounds just like the ones in the movies, as in it does that scary increasing beeping the closer it gets to the radioactive shit, spooky). Edgar was amused as it apparently turns out my knee is radioactive, as the damn thing went off beeping everytime he put it near my knee.

The boys were also afraid of the lead, so I had to handle it. It was pretty funny watching them try to maneuver it around without any contact. Needless to say all this lead fondling and manipulation of radioactive stuff, I got sick. Not quite throwing up sick, but horrible bent over stomach pain I might get sick kinda sick. It sucked, and i took some pain killers. They didn't really help. But I feel almost better now, just a few stomach aches and a mild headache (improvement!).

Other news for some fucked up reason the internet won't work on my laptop, but I had a bio-prelab-quiz so I tried hooking up the p.c. and she works... so w/e. I will have to deal with that b.s. later. So things to do which have been done: Last physics lab, physic pre-lab, check! Bio-prelab another check. Capa not so checked, I did one more question before leaving the physics building after the 3 hours of data reading in lab (the resource center had closed, boo).

OH~! Bigest news, my dad was down on the weekend and he paid for a skype account so I can now make long distance phone calls (using my shitty webcam, so its poor quality but free, yipee!). So people should give me their numbers as i miss you all and it's starting to feel weird to talk to people (after being alone/silent for so long).

Another cool point is Blake being the sweetie pie he is, went all over town to find me clove oil for my aching mouth. Turns out clove oil doesn't exist in halifax, but he stopped by anyways just to let me know he tried. He was on his way to class so I gave him some soup I was making. It was nice (although rushed as he was soo late), but I keep forgetting how nice it is to eat with people. God, to think I used to get to do this kinda thing all the time.

It's so bitter sweet making new friends here, because it seems no matter how happy it makes me. They bring me square back to the memories of how things used to be.. and the harsh reality of how they are now. Particularly with this kinda scene, me crappy university student, alone.. all the time, with no human contact. It's the kinda silence you never really get used to... it's weird. Sometimes you forget it's like that, and some times like right now it hits you. "how long has it been since I've last spoken a word out loud?" "who was the last person I spoke with?" "was it always so quiet?".

Anyway I keep getting virus pop ups, so I'm going to quit my rambling.

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