So, that's how the ball bounces!

Dec 16, 2003 22:50

And bounce it does, Poppets. The bloody ball bounces (and pegs me in the head, whilst up.) Figures as much, no? Figuratively, and literally speaking, I mean it. When a, or the, ball bounces, it always manages to peg me well. Is it because I'm not athletic, or is it because, perhaps, I want to get hit with life's 'Ball o' Doom'? Ball o' Doom.. Hah, I like that. Any-who, Poppets.. Yes, I realize I use "Poppets" a lot.. I read it somewhere and it got stuck in my head.. Deal. Honestly, what has this world come to? I've spent most of my day doodling and "trying" to get myself up to work on this stupid bloody project that was due Monday (which I hadn't done.) So, it's a childrens book on a holiday.. I picked Saturnalia, because, I can guarantee that none of my classmates have heard of it, except for one, because I think I told him.. And, I like to scare my classmates. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Yes, I find amusement out of cynicism. Now, where was I.. Oh, right.. Project. Lame. Should die. Stupid, stupid thing. :D Damnit! You know what sucks? My not being able to EVER go out with my friends proper. I swear the fates are against me.. because everytime I try and make plans, somethings gets fucked up. Screw it. I'll just be alone, like I always am. Stupid shit. Fuck it all. Damn them all, too. Damn all of those fuckers out there. Yes, there's a shit load of you, and I suppose I'm included. Damn myself then. I don't care.. It's not like I really believe in Hell. Or Heaven, for that matter, either. Whatever. Now I'm in a bad mood again. Hmm.. Yes, I know why. Fuck Julian. Yeah, Julian, fuck you. Woo.. Now I feel better. Slightly.. not really.. damnit..
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