Dec 15, 2003 22:00
Aloha, my little Poppets. Time for another episode of "Rantings ala mode" by Miss. Beat, herself. Yes, my loves, you may once again see into the depths of my mind. Though, it's about as deep as kiddy pool at this particular moment. Well, it is for one to determine that factor. Now, let's see.. how shall we start this one? Oh, yes, I know.. Well, Poppets, I have been feeling positively grim for the past week and a half. Why? Well, have you ever had your hopes, spirits, and life sucked out of you? Well, it sucks.. badly, might I note. I haven't been feeling totally shitty, yet, perhaps a softer notion of that.. crappy, perhaps. Sulking, yes. I've been doing that. Sulking, sulking, sulking. Oh, how joyful it is. A very fun past time, I add. Please, do note the sarcasm in my tone. I thus avoid the Internet, hoping to forget reminders. It hasn't worked so far. Tisk. Ah, I tried, at least.. I've lost my anger, though, funnily enough, only through periods of meditation. Otherwise, without that and my medication, I would have gotten drunk off my ass, in order to feel numb. Screw Straight Edge. I don't fear death, but blatantly drinking alcohol and taking my medication, isn't the wisest choice. More or less, Death is welcomed, but I will not provoke it, nor will I welcome it with open arms; only with regret and unfortunate understanding. Poppets, I am sad to inform my thoughts as of late. That of Death, and his ways of performing the sacred duty. The thing that we must all face at one point, perhaps for some, sooner than others. Do we know the time that we are going to die? No. Only Fate, herself, knows. And, so I've heard, she won't tell. Though, many have tried seeing their fates, and the fates of others, through means of Divination. Are they truly means that have a definate answer? Will my tarot cards show me the light? Or, my astrology sign, perhaps? Hocus pocus to some; the way of life for others. We all believe in some form of 'magick' whether you want to want to admit it or not. It's all deep down inside yourself, though some recognize this and wear it on their sleeve.
My train of thought is drifting. I shall continue this pointless ranting later on. Ciao for now, Poppets.
To be continued...