Поскольку сегодня последний день очередного отпуска, решил разобрать почту. И встретил два письма про то, как мои фотки когда-то вошли в топ 4 самых просматриваемых фотографий на RailPictures.Net:
Congratulations! One of your recently uploaded photos has made it as one of
the top 4 viewed photos at RailPictures.Net for the past 24 hours!
You may view this photo at the link below, or visit our homepage at
http://www.railpictures.net to see your photo featured on the front page! Your
photo will be featured on the front page until it is either passed by another
photo, or has been on the site for longer than 24 hours.
Photo Link:
http://www.railpictures.net/photo/439011 As always, please accept our sincere appreciation for choosing to upload
your photos to RailPictures.Net, the most visited railroad photo database
online! And once again, congratulations!
Эта фотография была сделана во время
майской поездке под Воскресенск.
Congratulations! One of your recently uploaded photos has made it as one of
the top 4 viewed photos at RailPictures.Net for the past 24 hours!
You may view this photo at the link below, or visit our homepage at
http://www.railpictures.net to see your photo featured on the front page! Your
photo will be featured on the front page until it is either passed by another
photo, or has been on the site for longer than 24 hours.
Photo Link:
http://www.railpictures.net/photo/440395 As always, please accept our sincere appreciation for choosing to upload
your photos to RailPictures.Net, the most visited railroad photo database
online! And once again, congratulations!
А эта уже из
июньской ходки.