Dec 22, 2004 11:29
Now, whoever wrote those pathetic messages to me on AIM, I have a few words for you.
It was during the election and I had Kerry/Edwards in my info because I am a smart citizen who knows how much of a retard Bush is.
Lets start with during his campaign when he said there would be no more new troops sent into the war. and i almost said Vietnam, cause it is day jah voo. ya know you're supposed to learn from history not repeat it. and frankly, you have repeated 2 atrocities of wars. Vietnam, which if i do remember the popular slogan of the time was, "Hey Hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?". and i must say that is perfect for this war as well. and also, how could i forget your daddy's little war, the Persian Gulf War. yes. oil. again. But, i guess that was just a little white lie, and everyone does them in Congress so it was ok for the leader of the United States to do it as well. Except usually Congress lies about the budget not your sons. But hey, i forgive you, you only sent 1,500 new troops in and the ones that were in, you kept them on extended stay. Mr. Bush, you cannot even get 1,500 of your own troops to die for you. You sent British and other troops as well. It is a good thing that Britain is the only country that doesn't hate us right now, for if they did we wouldn't have had the troops.
You also went to Canada to fix this mess you're in and to plea for help and in one of the quotes from your trip roughly was, "I'm so glad to see such a welcome from our neighbors to the north, some of them even waved with all 5 fingers." yes, not something to be proud of. You are pathetic once again.
Now, i must commend Mr.Bush about how he has chosen not to act on his stand on gays. That is probably good, because a civil war might break out or something. One issue at a time. I'm sure on of your adivisors who actually runs the country told you that. A nice way to keep the country in order.
Then again, a country cannot function without money. Everyone loves money, everyone loves spending money, including you. Now, i do not have a problem with you spending money, i do have a problem with you spending money you do not have. How about that 3 trillion dollar debt? Yes, you are old and you will not have to pay it. Actually it is my generation that has to pay it. Now for those campaign years, i do pray that they do not say "no new taxes". How can you replace a debt that large without new taxes? But thank you once again for putting the weight on my generation.
Speaking of my generation, social security. You would like to raise the retirement age to 72, is that so that we will be dead before we get our social security money since, there really isn't any money. You chose to take 20% out of the social security pay checks to put into the stock market. How stupid is that? Now, i bet that all of the older generation thinks you are a bonehead like the rest of the country, except for the rich. My grandmother was complaining about her SS check and then she realized how she didn't know you were going to do that. She worships you Mr. Bush, and now she is angry. Yes. Money management is a concern for you. I guess you never had to save your pennies out of the piggy bank, otherwise you would realize that money doesn't just come out of a tree. Now, that 20% of my social security is gone and i cannot retire until i am 72. But before i get to 72, i will be working my ass off to try to pay of a 3 trillion dollar debt, that was not even worth it in the first place. I would say think about your daughters, but thats right they are rich, so they won't have to pay anything.
Now, to whoever that wrote those messages to me, on a false screenname, yes, the election did effect me even though i am not old enough to vote. The military, social security, retirement, gays. and i did not even start to mention healthcare because i am so mad. would you like to see my hospital bills from when i contracted Salmonella at a government owned building? ER visits are not a safehaven for those who do not have medical coverage, anymore. It is ridiculous. and the health care is horrible. cost of drugs, etc.