Title: Lost Boys...
fourcoldpawsPairing: Baro/CNU, Baro/Gongchan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,394
Warning: [Highlight *spoilers*] Character Death, suicide,
Summary: Baro is trying to deal with the biggest change he has had to face, but is it really worth it?
A/N: Merry Christmas
fourcoldpaws!!! I hope you like it :3 The rating is due to the darkness of
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Comments 2
i really like how you worked with the differences between the different versions of them, both the names (although it took me a moment to notice lol) and stuff like the teeth and the confidence. also He was a lot of things that Baro had wished Dongwoo had been, but just that fact made him dislike it. is wow such a great line bec it felt so real, like that's exactly what would happen in a situation like this. also really liked Shinwoo looked at him with eyes that were the same as Dongwoo's bec it felt so strong, rly illustrated this whole theme of them looking exactly the same but there's still a difference between them, that maybe ( ... )
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