Nov 04, 2009 17:33
I have noticed this trend at busy intersections, particularly post-daylight-savings (because apparently, nobody here knows how to drive in the dark). I thought that if I could influence just a single driver to change his/her driving habits, it would save many other drivers a few minutes of frustration.
When a light turns yellow, and there is no space for you on the other side of the traffic light, please do not race forth into the middle of the intersection. The cars in front of you will not magically disappear when the light turns red.
Instead, you'll be the a$$hole blocking the intersection. And the drivers who now have a green light will hate your guts because they can't be going on their merry way, and they've already had to wait several rounds of lights because of other a$$holes just like you.
So please, if a light turns yellow and there's no space for you ahead, be patient and wait for the next green light. You'll end up in the same space 15 feet in front of you anyway, and at least you won't be the a$$hole blocking the intersection.
Thank you.