Jun 26, 2008 20:51
Okay... The memories have a ZipCar post dated 2003... not a lot of help, so I figured I'd ask for some more recent info.
A friend of mine had her car totaled in a recent accident. She's not planning on getting a new car anytime soon, since she really only needs one for trips to target, weekend trips to the wilderness, etc... She wanted some more info on ZipCar, and while I've never used them, I know a lot of people around Boston do use them.
Could people please post some of their good and bad thoughts about ZipCar? Prices okay? Cars okay? Any customer service issues?
Oh, and for those who may snark about her totaling her own car and now wanting to total a ZipCar... (I'd snark about that! Heh!) it was a hit and run accident. Though the police tracked down the other car, the person driving got away...