This is your brain...ok My brain on little sleep and too much Caffeine

May 14, 2009 11:27

So a big good mornin to my peeps out in LJland.  Saw the funniest quote on Jenni's LJ.  "I'm James T. Bitches what you Got???" and on how that is the appropriate attitude to make a Star Trek movie.  Priceless.   Speaking of today's "Looking for Group"  "For everything else there's Fwoosh...."  I want Fwoosh....waaaaaaaaaaant!


Double D's of Spirituality ala "Something Positive"  Really REALLY? Yes....totally want!

So I'm probly on a massive caffeine and sleep dep high right now so I should get everything possible done before I crash, and what am I doing? Writing, why, because its fun....and I ran out of web comics...I mean ya I could be doing work.


Ya that's what I thought too.

So things that make me go WTF or shoot milk out of my there an abbreviation for that? I now going to hell for creating another net abbreviation?

"I hate you....with fire" also made of win with a side of awesome in a nice booyah compote sauce heated to 450 thousand degrees and served garnished with one braised unicorn testicle.

Really if I could have any dish it would be Unicorn.  You may thing that is cruel, but you don't know what kind of sick twisted sons of bitches they really are.  Where do you think centaur's come from.  Ok ok, so there is this "Magical" horse with a large horn who likes Virgin humans and the myth is it will lay its "head in her lap."  Uh huh euphemism much mother bitches?  Really what we have here are sick sick zeno-pedophiles who are germophobes.   I mean why else go after virgins except for the liking them young thing that we already covered.  And come on SICK!  Unicorns must be the creepy Uncle Bob of the magical community.  But fuck if they don't get great PR.  Did you see Legend???  Ok let me run it down for you. Tom Cruise and some anorexic chick(who he was prettier than) have some kind of 16th century Pretty in Pink style fling going on (yes Tom is Molly Ringwall who's surprised?).  Ok so also there is glitter.  And when I say glitter I mean a metric fuck ton of glitter.  I mean they ran out of soap flakes for snow and went "well fuck it, lets just drop glitter instead and see if anyone notices."  (They noticed bitches, think sharp little pointy sandlike pieces of glitter in the foreskin and tell me glitter isn't evil)  Where were we?  Oh right Metric fuck tom of glitter on Tom and the homely chick who is shaped like a 14yr old boy...ya too easy.   So she is all a stupid twat and when Tom shows her the Unicorn, has to go and touch it.  Right?  Its big and hard and sparkly.  (Side note: Vampires are not sparkly, please die in a fire!)  Goblins then shoot it and it runs.  Then she cunt whips him into diving off a cliff in a lake to get her ring.  Tom can't say no to the girlish figure of hers I guess (that does explain katy...and calista flockheart) and goes after it.  The land freezes and shit hits the fan along with more metric asston of glitter and snow flakes.  Baddness ensues.  Tim Curry is Awesome.  Evil minions work around the clock to keep mirrored sheen on all plates and the Sun kills the Big Evil Guy.

The Moral of this story is: Sun Cancer Kills, Tom's girl is a Twatwaffle and You gotta be "Pure" to touch unicorns.  Otherwise the world is drowned in glitter.

Next week - How to say "I'm sorry I lit you on fire while you babbled about Twilight but I didn't want to get eye jelly all over my thumbs" and other useful phrases.

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