5 things meme

Apr 22, 2009 13:58

Stolended from anatketani 
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given

1. Getting married! - I am getting married.  I was supposed to get married Saturday.  However my state flooded.  Or at least the part around where I was.  I will be getting married probably in about a month.  At my house or in my backyard where if it rains I can raise my finger to the sky and go inside.  We will be legally married probly first weekend in May, as we have to get the license signed and dated before 30 days is up.  Marriage law is weird.  We live together, we are putting out finances together, and we still need this license.  She is also taking my name.  I am surprised and honored at that.  I’m excited and tired about the whole thing.  The big family wedding is in July.  Woo…so not excited.

2. Feri - Feri is my religion and path.  It is the thing I have been doing all these years when I have been making it up as I go along.  Except Feri has words for it and even cooler better techniques than I was able to come up with.  Not that I have it all figured out, hell that is one of the coolest parts.  There are people out there who know waaay more than me and I can learn from their experiences.  And I’m not alone.  I also have Feri fatigue, I got feri’d out at P-Con and don’t want to hear the phrase anymore for a while.  Yes it is my path and it feels like when people say it every 5 min it loses all meaning.  Not that the word means anything.  We could be the SilverSquick path as Feri was as I understand a placeholder to denote the difference of Victor’s path.  Hell we might have studied Andersonian Witchcraft.  It doesn’t matter.  The Gods matter, and we matter, and we are Gods too.

3. HAWT, sweaty, gritty, amazing poetry - It’s the only way to go.  Poetry is our answer to the problems with prose and language all together.  We know we can’t exactly explain anything.  We know for sure we can’t explain emotions or desires or feelings.  So we have Art to describe them.  I think the reason for Art is to make the viewer/reader “feel” something.  To elicit some response.  Pain, Pleasure, Beauty, Tragedy, these are things we all understand and grasp.  We don’t agree on them of course, but you don’t have to agree with gravity either.  I try to write this way, and of course, why write something boring?

4. Singing - Singing has always had a place in my heart and magic.  My whole family is musical and sings well.  We were in the church choir for many years together.  Choir was where I really learned about God and had spiritual experiences.  Singing has become the way my personal magic moves.  I Sing the healing into people.  I Sing the storm into calming, I Sing to the Gods as prayers.  Sometimes there are words, mostly the sounds don’t make sense.  And that is ok, the body understands, and the Wind understands and the Gods understand.

5. Laughter -   As Orgasm is the “Little Death,” Laughter is the “Little Orgasm.”  If Singing is my magic, and Feri is my path, Laughter is my religion.  When we laugh we touch that deep down spot in ourselves that is both childlike and divine.  When I was growing up I wanted to be a Minister, a Comedian or a Chemist (I thought they made up drugs all day) I wanted to make the world better.  They all fix people, help make them well and hale.  Laughter is healing, laughter teaches us, laughter makes us forget, laughter lifts us up, laughter brings us together.  Laugh and the world laughs with you, fart and you sleep alone ;(

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