between the camel's lumps

Jan 26, 2009 08:05, I'm pretty sure I saw Masi Oka (Hiro from Heroes) Friday at lunch. Yeah. I kind of stared at him from behind a large iron grate as he walked around a courtyard.

In other news, the weekend was short, weird and fun. I saw my great aunt in the home she's in now. Hadn't seen her since the last passover, I think. She's been deteriorating over the years, and we finally realized it was Alzheimer's, only it was like her brain was forgetting how to maintain her body before the mind started to go. She didn't really remember who I was, but she still knew my parents. She's been the only kind of aunt I've known, since my mom's sister-in-laws are dead and just.. estranged?
I remember, either right before or right after my mom's mom died in early 1995, my great-grandma was in the hospital, and I wanted to see her, but my dad wouldn't let me. I kind of wish it was still that way. I have no idea how people can handle these situations. All of the other people there in the home were farther gone than my aunt.

I got to see Kimi, after several months! And meet her cute girlfriend, Alice. She's a sweetheart. I saw Gran Torino with them, which was pretty funny. And had some terrible acting from most people who were not Clint Eastwood.

I had another good dream last night... a bunch of us from WoW were on this houseboat, but it was huge and underwater. Kind of like a tunnel. All I know is that it's much better than dreaming about Grey's Anatomy. I don't understand why I never dream about the Simpsons. Maybe the Simpsons writers, but never the Simpsons.
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