wish i was a better man wish i had a better plan for dealing with this.

Apr 09, 2011 19:33

1. I decided to import
thepurpleswitch over here, because there's a whole whack of stuff that's not fic and so isn't saved or archived anywhere else (commentaries! For starters! Mixes and playlists and all of my v.v. pertinent oponons, also!). And actually, to be honest, there probably is fic that isn't saved anywhere else.

2. I have about a dozen completely disjointed scenes in the Social Network-as-Sports Night thing. Mostly it's just fun? In a horrible way, though, because it's not humourous. It's depressing as hell. I'm just enjoying finding ways to compare/contrast the source texts and reframe/mash-up dialogue. I don't think it'll ever be in fit state to post, not least because I can't come up with pithy titles for TV shows (Tech Tonight? TechNite. TechNews. Business Tech. BIZNET OMG it's 1998. Oh hey how about Social Network? YOU SEE WHAT I'M SAYING HERE, RIGHT). I don't know. Aaron Sorkin.

3. Speaking of Social Network-as-something else,
mary wrote "Into the Void," which is Social Network-as-Firefly, and amazing, for all its brevity (1688 words). No pairings; medical procedure/consent stuff, but less explicit than Firefly canon; nothing else requiring a warning (afaik; imho; lmk).

4. Anyway. I'm going to take a spa day next weekend 'cause it'll be six months since I broke up with Rafael and I deserve something, even if I can't go see Patrick in San Francisco and get laid (...discrete events! Discrete events. Jesus).

5. I was supposed to go to a housewarming a few blocks away tonight, but I worked eight hours and then went on a Grocery Expedition, so I think I'll make tacos and watch a movie instead. I have to go to bed in a couple of hours, anyway. SIGH, SIGH.

This is a DW-origin crospost, oh noes. Please comment on the original post here. There are currently

(writing process) writting prossess, (recs) the social network, (irl) i'm an ideas man dammit, (irl) is not only a noun but also a verb, (recs) recs

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