Brestfeeding in Public (long)

Feb 03, 2007 16:04

i dont breastfeed in public. not because there is something wrong with it, but because i am uncomfortable with confrontation, and there is confrontation on both sides of the debate. either someone comes up and tells you that what youre doing is great and you should be so proud, or that it is shameful to do that in public. i dont agree with either. there is no particular pride involved in something so basic. its like saying i should be proud for learning how to read, or stand up straight. its just something that needed doing. nor is there any particular shame in exposing your tit to feed a baby, in fact i think that it is shameful and senseless for there to be laws baring a woman from being shirtless while there is no such for a man.
My first two kids i fed until they were two. i wasnt working, so it worked out that way. i was devestated when i had Md and was only on maternity leave for 5 weeks. the pump was a joke, a bad one. going into a freezing bathroom only on my breaks was stressful and broke the schedule. my milk dried up by the time Md was 2 months old.
With XX i got 6 weeks leave. not much longer, but i was prepared this time to the idea that i probably would not be able to feed him for long. the pump this time was better, but still a pump. the bathroom and the timetable was still the same, tho and the general stressfulness at work will probably never change.
and then there is the great breast vs formula debate. phooey. you feed what you can. there is nothing wrong or absolutely right about either. this culture has a general sexual bias in most things. a womans body is for sex, if she has too many kids or god forbid doesnt have the decency to be ashamed of herself and her body in general there must be something wrong with her. the development of formula plays on this bias. i wont say that the development of formula was a bad thing, it is extremely easy to use and a godsend for those who otherwise cannot nurse their kids. but i refuse to bow to the idea that i should be ashamed of showing any part of myself, pretty or not.
i am more or less comfortable with my body, tho i am rearly fond of my appearance. its just that popping out a tit is a little more comfortable than i want to get with the general public. that being said, i have a generalhate for the idea that someone should be banished to the bathroom to breast feed their baby. you dont eat dinner on the toilet, why should a baby?
well, that was a rant, tell me what you think, or read more: guys view general

reading: Survivor in Death - J.D. Robb

breastfeeding, recs

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