*OLD* Chained Will, Chained Repent: Part 1

Jun 14, 2004 11:55

Okay, first real update here! This is a fanfic that I've been writing for some time: Chained Will, Chained Repent. As a result from Anima of "Final Fantasy X" and constantly listening to Evanescence as I write it. I should be writing Chapter 5 right now, but looking back at the first four chapters, it was hard to me to write well, mainly because looking back at the story, there was a whole lot of oldness and crappy writing, including glitches, ugly formatting, and wangst. So I'm on my way to rewriting the fanfic so it looks decent again and I'll be able to collect inspiration for Chapter 5. (and it won't turn out so crappily as a result of reading the older chapters) By far, I have managed to finish the first chapter. Still old and I still think there are some stuff I could fix up, but oh well. It was better then it was before, at least. There's not much you can change about old writing anyway. XD So here is the semi-new beginning of the mega-long angsty fic I constantly keep talking about: CWCR.

Title: Chained Will, Chained Repent
Author: Jigglypuff in Blue Ribbons
Fandom: Mario
Genre: Drama/Action/Adventure/Angst
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence, character death, possible thematic elements
Pairings (if any): None by far.
Finished: No

Disclaimer: What can I say? I don't own any "Mario" games at all, not "Paper Mario" or "Super Mario RPG", either. I do own Shinar (Shee-nahr) though, and he's about as pretty close to being a Gary-Stu, so I doubt anyone would want to steal him. XD If any other OC comes into this story, they'll belong to me too, sooooo... yeah. XD

Quick Note: This is one of these fanfics where I "write-as-I-go", aka post every new chapter once it's done, instead of being an intelligent writer and waiting before I finish the whole fanfic before posting. So expect the earlier chapters to be incredibly old and strangely formatted, and chances are, I might break down and edit them a bit so as to kinda "update" them so it won't make the latest chapter look bad. XD

Chained Will, Chained Repent

By Jigglypuff in Blue Ribbons

Chapter 1: Suffer With Me

The sun shown over the Mushroom Kingdom, pouring its light upon every life. Children played in the fields while men went to work, and their wives took care of home. Towns, cities, and villages were in their time of peace, leaving the citizens happy as one can be. In moments where there was trouble, however, the people didn't need to worry; they relied on one thing that came from a world different their own-the Super Mario Brothers.

They went by the names of Mario Mario and Luigi Mario, and they lived in Brooklyn, New York, although their birthplace was in Italy. If you were to live nearby them, you would've thought they were nothing more than two ordinary men coming to fix your pipes for a cheaply price. However, while the brothers were plumbers in New York, they were heroes in the entire Mushroom World. Countless times they rescued the Mushroom Kingdom's Princess Peach from King Bowser of the Koopa tribe, as well as stopping many other foes. That later changed, however, for the Mario Brothers had only one home in the entire kingdom, and one had to stay to watch over it. So Mario, the older brother, would be the one to halt the evil, which was why he was a great deal more famed and known than Luigi, his younger brother.

Again, there was another change. Only this time, it far more drastic.

"Princess! Princess!!!"
"What is it?"
"There's someone at the door waiting for you. He claims that he's the postman."
"Let him in, then."

A royal woman in a yellow dress waited as she sat in her throne. She had long red hair that fell below her waist, and a pink tiara sitting comfortably on top her head. Flower earrings were worn on the princess's ears, including a matching brooch.

"Your highness, I've got mail for you." said a Paratroopa when he entered the room.

"Parakarry, I presume?" Princess Daisy asked. "Thank you so much for bringing the mail again."

"A postman's work is never done." nodded Parakarry. While the princess opened a large pile of mail she received everyday, the first one had caught her eye, for it was from Mario.

"Oh, I haven't heard from the Mario Brothers in a long time!" she exclaimed. "I wonder how they're doing..."

It was then she noted the worried look on Parakarry's face.

"Parakarry?" she asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"Mario..." the postman began. "When he gave me that letter, his face was awfully red, as if he had been crying. I asked him the same question you did, but he wouldn't answer. I'm supposed to deliver these letters of his, one of them being addressed to you. He gave me one as well, but I wanted to read it once I finished my work... have a good day, princess."

With that, he bowed and left the castle. Daisy was quiet while she broke open the envelope, setting it aside to read the message. Something did seem wrong all right, for the bottom of the letter felt damp, and there were several small blotches on it that looked sponged. She scanned the wordings from top to bottom, finishing in even deadlier silence. No... it couldn't be. She refused to believe it.

The princess went to her desk, and took out a piece of paper and an ink-feathered pen to begin writing a response. The words echoed relentlessly-stabbing her. Maybe he really was... no.

She finally tore the feather to pieces, throwing its remains in the trash. For a long bitter time, she stared at her unfinished letter, one line long and very much blank. Solemnly, Daisy pulled the drawer out again, taking another feather.


The funeral was long and heart-wrenching. Luigi's coffin was interred in the Mushroom Kingdom's cemetery, with a tall gravestone that told the story of his life. Mario had been given endless apologies from his friends, messages such as, "I'll never forget your brother!" and "I'll always remember Luigi!". Even in the middle of the gloom however, something still didn't feel right.

"Mario," Princess Peach whispered. "Have you seen Toad lately?"

"I haven't see him." the plumber replied. "I was hoping everybody would come..."

"He should be around here somewhere!" Peach cried frightfully. "It's not like himself to skip a funeral, especially for one like this! I'll be right back, let me go look for him."

"Princess, you know you shouldn't wander outside the castle without supervision! What if Bowser comes and kidnaps you?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it," she replied. "I know a trick that will get me by anywhere-even Toadsworth doesn't know about this!"

With that, she pulled out a random object from her pocket and was no longer seen by Mario.

"Princess? Where are you!?"
"I'm here beside you the whole time, Mario!"

The plumber turned to see a young mushroom retainer lady, who grinned as she carried a Sneaky Parasol in her arms.

"Bowser may be powerful," she said, "But he won't be able to tell who I am through this disguise!"

"All right," he nodded, "Just be careful, okay?"

"I'll be fine! I’ll see you as soon as possible." replied the princess. Before long, she was one within the crowd, unseen.

She asked the guests if anyone had noticed Toad, but no one saw him since the beginning of the memorial service. Soon, after being told the mushroom retainer was "there" instead, the princess had left Mario's house completely, finding herself at the entrance of Forever Forest.

"Toad? Toad, where are you!?" she cried. "Please! Tell me where you are!"

It was then she heard faint sobbing come from behind one of the trees. The princess came over to the area the cries were coming from, and found whom she was looking for.

"Princess! I-I didn't expect to see you here!" blubbered the surprised Toad. "That parasol is going to get you in big trouble someday!"

"I know, but I can't help it if I had to be followed by a guard wherever I go," said Peach, "However, this is not what I have come for. I need to know this-why aren't you at Luigi's funeral today?"

Toad was quiet.

"Why didn't you come? It seems so unlike you."

"I... I was there," The mushroom retainer uttered, "No one really saw me though... and-and I couldn't take it anymore when... when they lifted Luigi's coffin, so I left. I... don't deserve to be there."

"Toad, what happened over at the mountains couldn't have been prevented. You and I and Luigi were the only ones there, and none of us would've been able to help him before Mario came back-"

"Your highness..." Toad shook his head, the tears returning to his red face, "There was so much we could've done! If we had known something like this was going to happen, we could've prevented it! If-if I hadn't been so idiotic, we would've saved him! And... and if I weren't so weak, he'd still be okay!"

Unable to speak without breaking into bawls, it was all he was able to do for several minutes. Soon, the wind howled with tears, and it was all that was heard in Forever Forest.

"I've killed him-I’ve killed Luigi!" cried the mushroom retainer, after collecting himself and several breaths. "I feel so responsible for this... just-just leave me alone! I don't even deserve to be your retainer anymore... just... go. Please."

He turned around and refused to face her. "I'm so sorry... just leave."

"Toad..." The princess was quiet-she knew she couldn't argue, and there was nothing she could do to move him from his spot.

"I'll be going," she replied. "The funeral must be getting close to ending by now, and I aught to be going back. However, if there is anything you need, let me know. I hope you won't mind if I go as you, though-I don't want you in trouble, and either way, it’s the only way I can leave this place without arousing suspicion."

She used the Sneaky Parasol and left, just in time for the coffin's burial.


Luigi... I wish that you would come back.

Please come back Luigi!

It's my fault you're dead, Luigi...

"It looks like someone dear has died several weeks ago..." said Eldstar, looking over the wishes sent to him and the other Star Spirits.

"Eldstar," replied Misstar. "You know we're not allowed to bring people back to life. It's against the rules!"

"True, you're right about that, Misstar," The mustachioed Star Spirit nodded. "At least for those who died of old age. But for those murdered while young... it could be possible..."

"There is always reincarnation." Mamar suggested.

"In this situation however," replied Skolar, who had arrived with the other Star Spirits. "Just bringing this certain person back to life as another being, or creature, for that matter, won't do things any good. Luigi is Mario's younger brother, and with him gone, and if Mario himself were to be destroyed, there would be no one left to save the Mushroom Kingdom, even his friends."

"A very accurate statement, Skolar," Klevar said, "But we know we have to obey the law or else we'll lose our reputation as Star Spirits!"

"There has to be some kind of way!" cried Muskular. "Don't we care for the Mushroom Kingdom at all?"

"Stop bickering, please! We'll figure this out somehow!" cried Kalmar.

"Indeed, for I have just the answer."

The Star Spirits stopped their forth-coming argument and turned to meet their visitor.

"Why... Shinar! It's a surprise to see you here!" exclaimed Mamar.

Shinar smiled. He never opened his eyes, for he had none-two black slits toke their place. However, to make up for the lack of sight, he had a high sensory of his surroundings and could tell of anything that was happening around him. Shinar was a pale yellow color-so pale it looked like all the life had been drained of him. Attached to the Star Spirit's back was a silvery light-gray sphere, a whitish aura surrounding it. It was bright enough even to light up the Star Spirit, if at least somewhat.

"Shinar, it's been so long!" Eldstar cried, surprised and bewildered.

"Same thing for you too, Eldstar," replied Shinar. "And Mamar, Skolar, and all the other Star Spirits. How have all you been? But now is not the time to be happy. Let us focus about what you were talking about earlier."

"Yes Shinar!" The others nodded.

"As I said, I have an idea on this situation concerning our dear friend, Luigi Mario," the blind Star Spirit continued. "Death-is an eternal thing until us Star Spirits, or God himself, does something about it. Just leave it all up to me..."

Meanwhile, a Star Kid leaned against the sanctuary window of Star Haven, just listening to about what everything's been said.


Come to Star Haven, Mario... We await you there... Please come to us this night...

The message kept ringing in Mario's ears all day. At last, when the night came the exhausted plumber headed towards the home of the Stars. Soon, he found himself in front of Star Haven's sanctuary and entered. He was surprised to find Shinar there, but after everything had been explained, Mario was able to understand Shinar's involvement in the issue, and waited for the message of the Star Spirits.

"It's a shame of me to call you here at night when you should be sleeping," Shinar apologized. "However, this task is quite important-it involves your brother, Luigi."

Mario's ears perked up when he heard the last word.

"What of him?" he asked. "Is he-?"

"The Star Spirits are getting wishes demanding to bring your brother to life, including yours. After a long discussion, it has been agreed that I summon you here to accomplish an important task. Now please, follow me."

He led the plumber behind the sanctuary outside.

"The reason why I wanted to you to come after dusk was because that it would make my magic work easier," The Star Spirit explained. "Now, are you ready for this, Mario?"

The orb on the Shinar's back began to provide the Star Spirit's energy, glowing him with light. A berry purplish-navy circle popped out from nowhere against the wall of the Star Spirits' sanctuary, widening to become more noticeable and existent. Once the 2-D like sphere had finished transforming, its creator turned back to face the mustachioed plumber in red.

"Come inside."
"What is it, though?"
Shinar chuckled. "Oh, you'll figure that out quite soon enough." And without warning, he pushed Mario into the mystical hole.

Falling and falling, the plumber felt as though he were being torn apart. Now inside the portal, the sights had dizzied him, and it didn't do any better to close his eyes. At last, the night's fatigue had taken its toll, and was unconscious even when he landed.


Groggily, the plumber awoke, his head hurting beyond belief.

"Ugh... wha-? WHOA!"

Struggling to stand up, Mario stirred to notice he was on Star Hill, but as soon as he looked up, it wasn't so at all. The sky raged with rainbows of colors, so bright and blinding you had to squint to see your way around. It was dangerous to look at the sky for long, for the colors flowed through each-other in a non-fusing way, dizzying the viewer and driving him mad. While there weren't any stars in the sky, there was a wicked wind that blown everywhere in this strange place-he shivered, for the storms of air felt like icicles trying to pierce him in any place possible, stinging and stabbing as deep as could possibly can.

"Welcome to Xytiané." Shinar's voice boomed.

"Mama mia..." Mario responded, still astounded by his surroundings.

"Your goal in this place is to find me the Star Rod, which was hidden safely in this nearly forgotten world since you saved the Star Spirits," explained Shinar. "Once you find the sacred staff, you are allowed to bring Luigi back with just one wish, and that's that. Once you revive your brother, you will be allowed to return to your own world. Take note however, that this is no simple task..." He laughed softly, his voice eventually fading away.

Mario shivered, crossing his arms grasping his shoulders for warmth.

C'mon Mario, snap out of it! the plumber reassured himself. I've been through much colder than this... now off to find the Star Rod!

Whoosh! To his surprise, the wind blown harder when he moved, settling only when he stood still. It was as if the storm was trying to hold the plumber back and gradually grew fiercer while he continued to walk-it was walking in a blizzard without snow.

Then Mario met a Goomba.

The moment he saw it, the Goomba did the same as well. Its ink-dotted eyes fixated on Mario with fear, sending chills through his heart and spine.

"I had long ago betrayed the rules of the Mushroom Kingdom," the creature stated. "As punishment, I have become what I am; too weak to defend myself, no longer having the free will I used to have. I sought too much power and control, and now I await a new punishment-everlasting death. Suffer with me..."

The Goomba’s eyes turned screeching red, transforming Mario’s anxiety into pain, shooting him down to kneel. Immediately, the plumber jumped up and stomped on the creature, squashing like it were a ferocious bug. Mario was then caught in a cloud of thoughts-was it really worth it destroying the Goomba? It was killing him, but was it any reason to have it lose its life? The plumber shook his head-he had to get out of here as quick as possible. Along Xytiané, the Goomba's final words continued to haunt him:

Suffer with me...


In the dark, Princess Peach lay in her bed, tired yet restless. She stared for long hours at the ceiling, lost in thought. No… she worried too much. Everyone would be all right soon… maybe she needed some fresh air. She sighed and slipped over the covers, brushing her silk pink nightgown when she stood. Her tiara and gloves put away, she opened the balcony window, in hopes a starry night sky would cheer her up. The princess froze in horror, immediately running back and closing the door behind her. Next thing she knew, there was an explosion of broken glass, and shards scattered across the floor like spilled needles. Caught like a mouse by a hawk, she was swooped from the ground and held in a tight grasp, making it impossible to squirm out. Yet as soon as she laid eyes upon her kidnapper however, Peach struggled and writhed with every last strength she had, refusing defeat.

"Bowser! Let me go!" she cried in his grip. "Put me down this instant!"

"Absolutely, my dear princess!" The Koopa King laughed. “As long as it’s in the back of my Koopa Clown Car, of course!” And that was where he put her-right where his seven children waited.

"That was awesome, Dad!" cheered Lemmy Koopa. Immediately accompanied by the other Koopalings, Roy and Morton Jr. kept firm grip while Peach was tied with rope, ensuring she wouldn't escape. "If we keep this up, we'll take world dominance in no time!"

"Great work, children!" laughed Bowser. "Now that we've got the princess, we have no need for this place! Let's get outta here!"

"Hold it right there, Bowser!"

"Wha? Who's there!?" Puzzled, the Koopa King turned his helicopter, hardly able to see a thing darkness.

It wasn't long before he felt something crash against his chin. Although the pain was only mild for a Koopa, it surprised him so much he was roaring with pain, moaning when he recovered and growling with rage searching for his attacker. It was so tempting to breathe fire at this point-to fry whoever was in his way. Only the realization that he would be caught (and his get-away less than perfect) held him back when his eyes met with a mushroom retainer wielding a broken lamp, stubbed bulb and all.

"You… you little punk!" he roared. "I aught to tear you to pieces right here and NOW!"

"Toad-you’re here!" the princess cried.
"Princess Peach, are you alright?" Toad cried, restless eyes glancing across the room. “We’ve got to get outta here... and fast!"

"Oh yeah, go ahead-take her off the Koopa Clown Car!" Wendy O. Koopa giggled, her voice of poisonous honey. "Look at this Daddy; Mushroom Boy's come to save the day his pajamas!"

Toad's face was deep red, and looking down at his choice of garments, he blushed even more with embarrassment. The mushroom retainer didn't have his blue vest on, leaving him topless. His faded turquoise night pants however, were bulky and loose fitting, which provided him warmth whenever he slept. As comfortable the pants were however, they were still a bit too large for Toad, causing him to pull his pants up once in a while so he wouldn't trip over.

"Hey you! Nice outfit to come save the princess in!" Roy Koopa teased. "Are you trying to save some kind of Potato Clan?"

All the Koopalings, especially Roy, laughed cruelly over his "small" joke.

"Stop it!" cried Peach. "Leave him a-" The rest of her protests were cut into undecipherable muffles while Iggy covered her mouth with a tight gag.

"Mushroom people are so amusing..." Ludwig von Koopa, the eldest of Bowser's children, chuckled.

He focused his eyes on Toad, who still held the lamp, and jumped off the Koopa Clown Car to meet him.

"What are you going to do with that lamp, huh?" the Koopa child mocked, "You hit Dad with it, Mushroom Freak. So what are you afraid of? Afraid I'll fry that head of yours for supper?"

Hilarity followed from the Koopa family.

"Go Ludwig!" Wendy cheered. "Knock him down!"

The insults endlessly plummeted into the mushroom retainer's head, boiling and spitting with rage within.

"You cowardly baby!" lectured Ludwig. "If you can't fight, why don't you go back to your crib where you belong? I'm sure your polka-dotted fungus dollies miss you!"

"Shut up!"

Blinded in fury and tears, the mushroom retainer sped towards Ludwig, wanting to smack him dead. Nevertheless, the Koopaling casually snatched the lamp and torn it to pieces, grabbing Toad by the neck. Applause and cheers roared from the family, acting as if they were watching a coliseum. Through it all, Peach watched helplessly in the helicopter, white with horror.

"Ah ah ah! Temper temper!" scolded Ludwig in a mock-motherly tone.

"You-you can't do this! Return the princess at once!" hollered Toad, desperately wringing and trying pull off the hands suffocating him. In response, the mushroom retainer felt several of his claws dig into the back of his neck-choking feeble squeaks and feeling his face turn blue...

"Heh... you're not even worth our time." the Koopaling snickered. "I may as well let you go... unless, of course, Toadfucius, you want to die sooner than you think!"

Immediately he flung Toad across the floor and sliding down a bed of broken glass-had it not been for the pillar fences surrounding the balcony, the mushroom retainer would've fallen and plummeted towards death. Nevertheless, he laid weakly and wailing, shards of different sizes jammed into his back, cutting him up and hurting horribly. It was even worse in his pajamas, and blood slowly pooled around him, staining the glass crimson red...

"Think twice before you dare take on the Koopa family, especially if you mess with our Dad!" Ludwig laughed, jumping aboard the sphere helicopter. Before long, they had flown away, complete with wicked laughter and Princess Peach, leaving Toad in the glass to bleed.

"Princess... she's gone again..."

Clinging to a balcony pillar, Toad staggered his way up, grimacing and shuddering from the stings that filled his feet, legs and back.

I have to get up and find help! The mushroom retainer thought. I've got to find Mario, but-where could he be? Luigi is dead, so there's no point...what if something happens to the princess? What if it’s too late? I've got to find someone... anyone!

"Hello? Is there anyone here?"

It wasn't long before a small star entered the castle, searching the room with a worried look on his face. Just as quickly he found Toad, immediately flying toward him in shock.

"Wha-what happened!? Are you okay?" he cried frightfully. "You look horrible!"

"Bowser and his children... they've gotten away with the princess again!" Toad explained. "I tried to stop them, but they… they were too powerful. I couldn't do anything, and now-AUGH!" The mushroom retainer became frozen and faced the floor, slightly kneeling and gritting his teeth, like he was being whipped. His back had become too much of a burden, and now he could hardly move without feeling the sharpness of the pain.

"We've got to get you out of this spot," the star answered with concern. "Hang on to me-I may be small, but I should have enough strength to take you on top the balcony railing. There's a non-glassy area you could sit on..."

Toad nodded in agreement-anything was better than where he was now. Before long, he was being carried by this mysterious entity, and found himself atop the banister, obviously feeling much more comfortable than he was before. Nevertheless, thanks to the glass shards, it was nearly impossible for him sit normally, so the mushroom retainer turned on his stomach and hugged the ends of the railing to maintain grip.

“Hold still for a minute, okay?” the star smiled. As he said this, he raised his “hands” and a snowy glow illuminated from him, like white vapor. Sparkles were cast upon Toad and next thing he knew, the hurting had stopped-the broken glass detached itself like pine needles, and all that was left was the dull throb from tinier pieces still in his body. The bleeding had stopped and the larger cuts were sealed off-the mushroom retainer could do nothing but stare at the being and think of nothing but gratitude.

“I’m not strong enough to heal you completely, but it should be enough to get all the broken glass out,” the star explained. “The smaller pieces should come out on their own later. How are you feeling?”

“Thank you so much!” exclaimed Toad. “You’ve just about saved me, err… uhh…”
“Well, it looks like I better introduce myself, huh? Sorry about that. My name is Twink, a Star Kid recently sent to Star Haven some time ago. I was with the princess once, but I don’t think I remember meeting you… it’s nice to right now!”

"Twink-the princess has told me all about you!" the mushroom retainer exclaimed. "Anyway, I’m Toad-I’ve been a loyal retainer and friend for Princess Peach for the longest time. By the way… how did you get here? Do you have any idea where Mario is?"

Twink said nothing, and there was an uncomfortable silence. In an attempt to break it, the mushroom retainer continued to talk, but knew in the end it was futile.

"We’ve got to find him! " cried Toad, "Peach has been kidnapped again and I have no idea where he is! Luigi is dead, so Mario is the only hope she and the Mushroom Kingdom have left… Twink, what’s wrong?"
"Well... that’s what I’ve come here for-to say Mario isn't here anymore."
"Mario had a deal with the Star Spirits, mainly with one named Shinar, to bring his brother back from the dead. He was locked in another world by his magic, and has a challenge to complete there in order for that wish to come true. The thing is that Mario can't leave the dimension until his mission is completed, meaning Bowser could full advantage of everything while he was away. And… and I have a really bad feeling about Shinar-I don't trust him."

Anxiety raised in the mushroom retainer, clinging tighter to the balcony railings as questions flooded his mind. Will Mario be okay? What is that dimension he is locked in? Who will save Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom if he isn't there? Finally, there was this-who is Shinar? And why does Twink fear him so?

End of Chapter 1

To be continued...

A/N: Hoo boy. That took far longer than I expected to write this chapter. XD Usually I delete all my “Mario” fanfiction, mainly because I wasn’t happy with them. Weird though, ‘cause despite how strangely this turned out, (Littered with grammar errors, sucky sentences and possible OOCness. Whee!) I’ve become rather fond of this fanfic-it’s one of the most original stuff I’ve come up with in a while, at least when it comes to plot. XD Well, time to do the next chapter-let the wangsty melodrama begin! :D

Whew... I'm extremely tired now. XD But I've worked hard. Yay! ^^

fandom: paper mario, oldfic horrors, i'm embarrassed, character: npc, fandom: super mario, character: luigi, character: toad, character: mario, rating: pg-13

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