The "Super Mario" Fanfic Drinking Game

Jun 17, 2004 10:33

What happens if your older sister and dad spend long hours on the computer, and you've got nothing better to do than to go on your Internet-less one and play "Solitare" with a sucky mouse? What happens when you decide you need other activities to do, and decided to check out Wordpad on the same computer? (It didn't have Word and I'm not touching Notepad with a ten-foot-stick) What happens when you're inspired by a friend's Marth/Zelda cliche list? What happens if you've been in "Mario" fandom far too much lately? What happens after several days of doing this? What happens when you've realized you've got a creative journal?


The "Super Mario" Fanfic Drinking Game!

Here's what you need to play:

#1: The "Mario" section of (Prefferably, but you can use other sites too)
#2: An alchoholic beverage. Actually, it's just safer to use milk, soda, Sprite, Mountain Dew, or whatever, so go with that.
#3: A free mind, and a bored one.

I should be shot for this. XD

Take 1 sip if:

-Luigi feels overshadowed and neglected by Mario. (Bonus points if he resents him for it too)
-A character other than Mario goes on his/her own quest, such as Luigi, Yoshi, or *gag* Mary-Sue.
-A character other than Mario has his/her own type of game, such as "Peach Party" or "Daisy Kart".
-It's a SMRPG sequel where something happens to the Star Road and Smithy comes back. (Bonus points if Geno comes back because of it)
-Mario is one, several, or all of the following characteristics: fat, lazy, greedy, bossy, selfish, and overall a bastard. Oh, and he's probably a womanizer too.
-Mario is extremely popular and steals all the limelight poor Luigi deserves.
-All the characters either worship Mario (except Weege, of course) or hate him.
-Peach wonders why she loves a plumber instead of someone more royal and fancy and/or complains about him. (The former often seen in Mario/Peach stuff, while the latter is to be seen in Humor/Bashing fic)
-Yoshi speaks in 3rd person or says nothing but his name over and over.
-The Koopalings are there for no reason at all.
-Bowser Jr. is considered to be the "8th Koopaling" or something like that.
-The Wario Bros. are there for no reason at all.
-Kamek or Kammy are there for no reason at all.
-Valentina breaks up with Booster and attempts to take over Nimbus Cloud again.
-It's a "Next Generation" fic where the descendants of the heroes go fight the descendants of the bad guys.
-It's a fanfic starring a Yoshi or Shyguy OC without any reference to the canon "Mario" characters at all-simply a story starring OC's in the "Mario" universe. (Bonus points if the OC is, in question, a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu)
-Peach's cake in SM64 is mentioned somehow, especially in humor fic.
-A classic "Mario" line is mentioned. ("Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!")
-Much toilet humor is involved. (Bonus points if plumbing is involved in anyway)
-Much profanity is involved. (2 sips for worse and more derogatory words)
-Random crossovers are involved, especially "Super Smash Bros." (Common fandoms including "The Legend of Zelda", "Sonic the Hedgehog", "Kirby", and sometimes "Pokemon". 2 sips if it's something like "Final Fantasy" or any fandom that has nothing to do with "Mario" at all)
-The crossover in particular is a "Death Match" fic, which normally includes the following:

A. You have one of the "Mario" characters set up with popular Nintendo peoples such as Link from "Zelda".
B. Jokes are involved with least favorite characters as they lose to a well-liked/favorite contestant be it "Mario" or not. (Pikachu loses to Luigi or Magus from "Chrono Trigger")
C. Nintendo characters, including "Mario", fight rival game companies Playstation and X-Box. (Versus popular "Final Fantasy" characters, anyone? Or Spyro... or Crash Bandicoot...)
D. There's a Mario vs. Luigi battle. (2 drinks if Mario wins)

-Peach and Daisy have a catfight.
-The Mario Bros. have accents so heavy it sounds fake. (A-Bonus points-a if-a they-a add-a a-an "a"-a a-for every-a a-single word-a they-a say-a!)
-Ludwig has a German accent. ("Vat are you talking about?")
-The Mario Bros. have a long-lost sister named "Maria".
-The Mario Bros. have a long-lost brother they don't know about, often with a different letter name before "ario", such as "Gario".
-There is a theory how Wario came to be and is considered Mario's evil twin/cousin.
-There is a theory how the Mario Bros. came to be and how they entered the Mushroom Kingdom.
-There is a theory about Peach's father being dead/being the Chancellor/being the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.
-There is Peach bashing.
-There is Toad bashing.

Take 2 sips if:

-Mario is extremely popular and steals all the limelight poor someone else NOT Luigi deserves. (Or everyone's!)
-Bowser wins. (3 drinks if he angsts because he doesn't have Mario or anyone else to fight anymore)
-Peach demands revenge on the entire cast (Especially Mario and/or Bowser) simply to prove she isn't a bimbo or helpless damsel in distress.
-Yoshi turns evil. (3 drinks if severe)
-Toad turns evil.
-Luigi and Peach are in love, but it's forbidden because of the horrible, evil Mario. (Bonus points if Daisy is mentioned somehow)
-Bowser and Peach are in love, but it's forbidden because of the horrible, evil Mario. (Bonus points if Mario is the antagonist who is trying to break up their "oene twuuu wuv tahts soooooooooo puer!!!!!!!11111111")
-Mario and Peach argue about their relationship or something relative.
-Toad betrays Peach and the good guys.
-The Koopalings have an actual role and do stuff.
-The Wario Bros. have an actual role and do stuff.
-Yoshi falls in love with a Yoshi!OC. (Bonus points if the Yoshi is a Mary-Sue)
-There is an SI or a Mary-Sue an OC that's in love with Luigi.
-Drugs are mentioned in "Mario" fic, normally humor. (3 drinks if severe)
-Mario hits on someone not in "Mario"dom, like Lara Croft of "Tomb Raider" or Amy Rose of "Sonic".
-Peach and Pauline have a catfight. (Bonus points if it's over Mario)
-The Wario Bros. have heavy accents.
-Kamek plots something evil for his master, Bowser.
-There is Yoshi bashing. (Sadly, it happens)
-There is Luigi bashing. (Bonus points if it's for being a wuss)
-There is Mallow bashing.

Take 3 sips if (That, or just chug the whole damn bottle and rob the nearest liquor store):

-Luigi kills someone, be it Peach or Mario.
-Mario abuses Luigi. And I mean seriously.
-Luigi goes insane and is bent on world domination.
-The Koopalings (one of them at least) are in a romantic relationship. (Bonus points if incestuous)
-Mafia is involved in “Mario” fic.
-One of the Mario Bros. dies.
-They BOTH die.
-An evil Star Spirit is the antagonist.
-It's a yuri fic where Daisy either has feelings for Peach, or Peach has feelings for... *da da da da* Zelda of “Zelda”.
-After Bowser's defeat, Peach plans something err... "special" for Mario.
-Mario (or someone else) RAPES Peach (or someone else). (Actually, go ahead and finish your bottle. Then throw it at the author. HARD.)

Ironically, I'm guilty of several things on this list as well. ^^; Not every cliché here is bad though-I admit to liking a couple. XD (Like Peach going off and kicking ass and Ludwig's accent) That, and I'm most likely to let a couple go if it's backed up with a really good reason, funky twist, or something. XD I listed the accent clichés on there, but please don't misunderstand me and say that I have something against accents, 'cause I don't. I just don't like how teeny-bopper writers mishandle them. XD (I've seen a fic where the way Yoshi speaks was inspired by the "Super Mario World" comic or something, which I thought was very cute. ^^) Sadly, I gotta say the Luigi and the Mary-Sue one is a bit of an understatement... I've seen a fic where the SI was stalking him. oO;;

So, am I missing anything? ^^ Until then... "Looks like a-Mario's blastin' off agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn!!!"

fandom: super mario, drinking game

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