Pokémon :: 50 Sacred Sentences

May 03, 2010 10:51

Gods, it's been ages since I last posted something, and I'm actually kind of nervous. .__.;;; I'm used to writing for Pokemon or movie characters and I really don't know whether or not I did Morty and Eusine justice. There were harder for me to write sentences for than I thought 'cause I wanted so much more to say that's hard to put in a single sentence alone without turning it into a grammatically incorrect paragraph (which I wanted to avoid). So I'm going to quote The Ugly One from Teen Girl Squad ("I'm too nervous!") and hide my head in the sand. Nomnomnom.

Title: 50 Sacred Sentences
Author: Puri
Fandom: Pokémon
Genre: Romance
Rating: G - NC-17
Warnings: Sexual content. Mild violence and alcohol.
Ships/Characters: Morty/Eusine
Finished: Yes

A. This is based off HG/SS canon, with sprinkles of G/S/C.
B. Lyra-only instead of Lyra and Ethan for my own sanity. XD I keep hearing Ethan in my mind as Gold and I didn't want Gold and Crystal to be mistaken for their PokeSpecial counterparts.
C. What happened to Eusine's grandfather in #3 - Memory is based on my headcanon, inspired by a Pokedex entry: It is rumored that a boy with psychic abilities suddenly transformed into KADABRA while he was assisting research into extrasensory powers.

1. Ring

If Suicune was the jewel of Eusine's eye, Morty was the metal that bound them together.

2. Hero

Morty nodded to Eusine, agreeing that Lyra might have what it takes to open Ho-Oh's heart.

3. Memory

That fateful morning when his grandfather turned into a Kadabra, Eusine never forgotten the first words from his first friend - "I believe in you."

4. Box

"I thought you could use this," Morty said, and Eusine thanked him and went on his way.

5. Run

Like the legendary hounds, Eusine's legs took him everywhere, but in pursuit of Suicune, the memory of Morty chased him until insecurity brought him back.

6. Hurricane

There was a colossal storm coming to Ecruteak, and the first thing Eusine did, after inquiring Suicune's present location, was look for Morty to see if he was all right.

7. Wings

He thought of Ho-Oh and wondered what it would be like to fly with the Pokemon of many colors... and Eusine listened to every word, knowing the sentiment all too well.

8. Cold

In exchange for the cape, Morty shared his scarf with Eusine, and together they approached Blackthorne in the cold in a warm purple huddle.

9. Red

One moment, Eusine was transfixed by an illusion... the next, he pushed to the floor and he could only pale at the color that splashed down Morty's side.

10. Drink

Thankfully Morty held his sake, leaving him sober enough to support Eusine on his shoulders on the way back home.

11. Midnight

Midnight swarmed with unseen spirits, but knowing his friend's expertise, Eusine was not afraid.

12. Temptation

Eusine held his breath as the Gym Leader teased his nipple, Morty's treatment so rough and sweet that it enticed him to moan.

13. View

What Eusine saw in Wuthering Heights was unbridled passion and obsession; Morty recognized the cruelty of humanity and the supernatural forces lurking in the book, and he was concerned exactly how far Eusine would go for love, even after death.

14. Music

There was no music in the Bell Tower, which only came to life with the arrival of Ho-Oh and Suicune... but Morty and Eusine didn't need their desired Pokemon to connect in the whistle of the autumn wind.

15. Silk

Morty marveled the sleekness of Eusine's gloves, stroking his hands before peeling back the material with his teeth.

16. Cover

Morty lay in bed with nothing but his scarf; Eusine leaned over him with a matching smirk, ready to cover the rest with his fingerprints.

17. Promise

"I must be off if I am to catch up with Suicune," said Eusine, and grinned, wagging his finger to Morty, "I shall return."

18. Dream

"It was my dream to see something like this," Eusine said, describing to Morty the battle between Lyra and Suicune.

19. Candle

He prayed alone, dimmed by candle and incense vapor as he ruminated about the day's events: the legendary hounds, Lyra, Ho-Oh, and Eusine.

20. Talent

Clairvoyance was both a blessing and a curse; it was better Eusine knew of his grandfather's death ahead of time, but it pained Morty to be told his knowledge of the future may as well have sentenced the man to death.

21. Silence

Eusine shushed the residents as he bid them away from Morty, telling them the Gym Leader needed to think, needed to listen.

22. Journey

Morty knew better than anyone else; it was the journey that mattered--the thrill of the chase--for Eusine, not the capture.

23. Fire

Morty hissed as Eusine went down on him, fighting to contain himself as the other man's tongue coiled around his cock like flames.

24. Strength

Morty was a strategist and settled conflict in a calm manner; it was the shock, not the pain, that stunned Eusine when the Gym Leader smacked him across the face for his incompetence.

25. Mask

Eusine wore a Venetian mask with his usual attire at the masquerade ball, his long nose pointing directly at Morty as he invited him to dance.

26. Ice

Morty did not have a heart of ice as one might believe; he was compassionate and esteemed, especially in regards to Pokemon and Ecruteak's history and legends, and Eusine respected him for that.

27. Fall

When the Rainbow Feather slipped from his hands and disappeared, Morty finally understood Eusine and his intentions to keep going after an impossible dream, no matter how hard the fall.

28. Forgotten

He forgotten he put on Morty's scarf the night before, and before he could leave, Eusine was tugged by the fabric by a groggy blond demanding attention.

29. Dance

Morty smiled while they danced, thinking how odd yet characteristic it was for Eusine to hold a rose in his teeth.

30. Body

As Eusine stripped down to his gloves and underwear to walk in the lake, Morty couldn't help but think maybe, just maybe--with a body like that--his friend might actually lure Suicune.

31. Sacred

When Eusine came back, their bond burst to flame like Ho-Oh's return to the Bell Tower, and Morty held it as sacred as the ashes the Rainbow Pokemon arisen from.

32. Farewells

His grandfather was gone, and Eusine swallowed his emotions until he and Morty were alone, pouring his grief into his friend's arms.

33. World

He'd been all around the world, long enough to know that all roads returned to Ecruteak.

34. Formal

Eusine believed in looking his best for his meeting with Suicune, which is why he dressed the way he did; and Morty waved to him in his usual attire, his relaxed appearance the calm to Eusine's storm.

35. Fever

He had to get up in spite of the temperature and delirium, but Morty held him back in bed, reminding him his health was not worth the sacrifice of one Pokemon.

36. Laugh

The mystical man nudged his friend's shoulder with his fist, and the two of them laughed together with a warmth exclusive to old friends.

37. Lies

"I know about your ancestors and what happened here years ago... but that's not the only reason you want to see Ho-Oh, isn't it?"

38. Forever

Their fingers entwined and Morty felt a glow he never felt before; as awkward and embarrassing their first time was (Eusine refused to talk about it), it was a small moment he preserved forever.

39. Overwhelmed

The ghosts flown out and Electrode was Soundproof, leaving Drowzee to bear the brunt of the gym leader and mystical man arguing in the next room.

40. Whisper

With a hush into his ear--"Suicune"--Morty triggered Eusine to his climax.

41. Wait

Morty waited all his life; for Ho-oh, for Eusine, it took a remarkable amount of patience that carried down from his family from generations.

42. Talk

As much as he was prompted to tell Eusine to stop bringing up Suicune in their conversations, Morty had to admit his friend's passion and love for the Pokemon made him smile in no way the leader of the Pokemon Fan Club could articulate.

43. Search

"At last, I have found you," Eusine said, claiming Morty's lips with his.

44. Hope

It was his optimism that the world-weary Morty found endearing; it gave the Gym Leader something to look forward to, and he even started believing Ho-Oh would come back.

45. Eclipse

"Hi Morty, this is Lyra... does Eusine still have my copy of Eclipse and New Moon?"

46. Gravity

Something brought him back to Ecruteak even knowing Suicune wasn't there, and he didn't know why.

47. Highway

Somehow, the Bellchime Trail made him tremble more than the highways of his hometown in Celedon ever did, and the autumn leaves imprinted him with another memory alongside the Johto legends.

48. Unknown

"What happened to Eusine?" Lyra asked him, hoping he was okay after their encounter above Cerulean, and Morty nodded and reassured her he was fine.

49. Lock

The ghosts were stored in their balls and the doors plastered with charms as the two men disappeared into the bedroom; there was no guarantee they wouldn't be interrupted by Morty's Gengar or otherwise, but it was worth trying.

50. Breathe

Eusine's panting grew heavy as he succumbed to the man on top of his back, tightening his grip on the sheets as Morty trailed his lips along the nape of his neck and kissed him.

character: morty/matsuba, fandom: pokémon, rating: nc-17, challenge: 1sentence, pairing: morty/eusine, character: eusine/minaki

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