Sonic the Hedgehog :: Putting Away the Boxing Gloves

Oct 11, 2008 15:44

Help revive kinkyclosetzone! That would be the Sonic Kink Meme. ;D What am I doing about it? I wrote this. Nomnomnomnomnom~ ♥

Title: Putting Away the Boxing Gloves
Author: Puri
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog. Hints of Sonic Battle.
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: None. Just fluff~
Ships/Characters: Amy/Cream
Finished: Yes

Putting Away the Boxing Gloves

Amy Rose was everything Cream wanted to be. She was strong! She can fight! She never gives up! But she was so scared for Amy; no doubt the rabbit believed Amy and Sonic would be together. No goal was unreachable for her best friend, no matter how impossible! But when would it happen? The limits were blurred as the pink hedgehog struggled for Sonic's attention, and Cream's heart broken as Amy wasted away "boxersizing" each passing day, growing tired but stubbornly going on without even a passing meal.

"Amy...?" The rabbit was afraid to speak up. Often she was included in Amy's rigorous training, and the pink hedgehog would yell if she wanted to sit down. Cream knew her own boundaries, but she thought Amy grew paler everytime she saw her, the older girl snapping at her for every little thing and blown a shorter fuse as her patience withered to none. Is she getting enough sleep...?

"Cream, come on! We have to get going! Sonic's gonna be this close to liking me!"

Cream was torn. She hated it when Amy lost her temper, but she also didn't like it that her best friend was doing so much damage to herself. What if she collapsed? What if she needed to go to the hospital? But if she told, Amy would yell at her again. But if she kept her mouth shut, she'd...!

"Cream, come on! Listen to me! Or are you not my friend?"
"You don't care about me, do you!? I bet you want to keep Sonic for yourself, don't you?"
"No! That's not true!"
"Yeah! You're right! All you care about is your stupid Chao and your dumb tea parties! You're such a little kid and a goodie-goodie and it makes me sick! You don't understand what it's like to be in love! You don't know what Sonic means to me! If you think I'm an idiot with stupid dreams who can't ever get her man to love her back, you're wrong! I'll prove it to you! Not like YOU ever took me seriously, Cream! No one does! Not even Sonic, not even you! I thought you believed in me Cream! I guess I was wrong about that, huh? I'm always on my own! Guess it's another thing to show Sonic and everyone else now, isn't it? I'll show him! I'll show everybody...!"

At this point, Cream erupted in tears, her bawls squealing and pitiful. But as Amy carried her crushing speech, she started sobbing as well, and her head collapsed in her hands, her chest heaving with guilt and words meant to be said but crackled away under the fire. Neither of the girls did anything but cry, until Amy was sore from headache and her words were limited: "I feel sick."


The following days, Amy stayed in her room. When she wasn't resting, she sometimes visited a clinic to see what to do about her tiredness and headaches. She quit skipping meals and reduced her "boxersizing" to a more manageable level. As a result she grew a great deal peppier and was the friendly perky pink hedgehog Cream the Rabbit came to know. Sure, Amy Rose still had a temper. But the little things didn't tick her off as they would in a more vulnerable state. After she put her boxing gloves away, Amy sat beside Cream, whom she recognized as her best friend in the world.

"I'm sorry for all the things I said back then." Amy sighed. "I was just so angry and stressed and... I couldn't think right."
"That's okay." Cream smiled, holding Cheese in her lap. "You're just going through a lot and I couldn't say anything because I didn't want to bother you."
"How can anyone be so mean to you? I'm such a jerk for that!" Amy grinned. "You're my best friend and I would never doubt you. You're caring and sweet and I love playing with you! The tea parties are great, your mom makes great bread!"
"Thanks! You'll always be our welcomed guest!"

Amy yawned, stretching her arms. "You know, if Sonic doesn't get a hint anytime soon, I have a trick or two up my sleeve to make him jealous."
"Really? What's that?"
"By then, it'll be tooooooooooooooo late!" The pink hedgehog leaned forward and pecked the rabbit on the cheek, winking with a large grin and waving a little finger. "And that's too bad!"

Cream gasped. Her face turned pink and her eyes sparkled in sentiment, as if a butterfly fluttered on her cheek were Amy kissed her. Something rose in the rabbit's heart that made her leap for joy, and she jumped into Amy's lap with with a giant hug.

"Oh Amy! Amy~!"
"I love you, Cream!" Amy laughed, ruffling the rabbit's ears.

The End

kink meme, pairing: amy/cream, fandom: sonic the hedgehog, rating: g, character: cream the rabbit, character: amy rose

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