Earthbound :: His Nirvana (Chapter 3) (END)

Apr 04, 2008 17:26

Title: His Nirvana
Author: Puri & jeansama
Fandom: Earthbound/Mother 2
Genre: Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lemon/Graphic Sex, mild language
Ships/Characters: Ness/Poo
Finished: Yes

(( RP Roles:

Jean = Ness
Puri = Poo ))

"Poo?" Ness didn't want to open his eyes... Poo had told him to lay and wait quietly, so he would. But still... what was he doing that was so urgent so suddenly?

"Ness." With the draw of the curtain, another Ness met the original's gaze, Poo grinning in a way that characterized him from his partner. "Well. What do you think?"

Ness's eyes snapped open at the voice, his heart jumping in his chest. A brief flash of bright colours lit his mind-Magicant. What? Reflexively, he recoiled somewhat, gripping the sheets.

"You-you're not..." He sincerely hoped he was not what he thought he was. He'd destroyed it.
"It's all right... it's me." Poo made a gesture with his fingers, the same that he used for concentrating and casting PSI.
"Oh. Thank god." Hesitating, Ness's eyes softened some, a relieved sigh slipping from his lips. He had definitely... lost some arousal points there. "Why are you..."
"Ness..." Poo took Ness's hands with his own. They say loving yourself is the greatest love of all... why not take it to the next level? Though he hadn't anticipated Ness to be terrified...

It was odd... the touch still felt distinctly like Poo's, yet with his own skin. It made him shiver.

"Sorry... about that. I never told you. I fought the evil in my heart. For a second, I thought..." Sighing, Ness was calmer now, though his eyes flickered curiously at him.
"I see." Poo fell into an awkward silence. "I... never knew what happened. My apologies for not speaking with you beforehand." It sounded so strange hearing his usual formal way of speaking with Ness's voice.
"No, it's okay. I was so focused on what we had to do, I didn't think there was enough time to tell you guys about Magicant. I will sometime." Ness's stomach curled oddly. This was about the weirdest... well, okay, no. He'd seen some pretty damn weird things.

Though his face was an odd color, Poo leaned forward and gently pressed his lips with his. Perhaps this would be a way to understand him better, know everything about him that makes him tick...

Ness made a gentle sound of protest, reluctant but not entirely offended. The hand that reached for his shoulder rested but did not push, fingers squeezing as he hesitantly kissed back. If it was what Poo wanted, well...

"Nnh..." Separating slowly, he hushed a tender breath over Ness's neck, trailing velvety kisses like petals. "It feels nice..." He pooled a sigh. "Your body... being in your body..."

Ness blushed, not quite sure why hearing that affected him so much. His fingers brushed over Poo's neck, fitting into messy black hair. His breath was becoming hot again, sighing as he tilted his head for him.

"It's how you make me feel..." Ness mumbled airily.
"Oh god..." Poo let him lay his body against the pillows, moaning as he allowed Ness to play. "Yes!" What Ness was doing to him, he wished the same for the original.
"Mmm... Poo..." It was easy now to imagine the Ness before him as his prince, Ness softly smiling as he trailed kisses down his neck. If Poo seemed to be enjoying it so much, he wondered what it would feel like to be in Poo's body-but he saved that thought for later, concentrating on the wet trail dragged against his lover's collar, finding his chest with a warm sigh. "God I love touching you."

A purr roused from Poo's lips. Holding his wrists, he guided the original's hands over his body. Fingers danced where Poo guided them, something about this registering as distinctly kinky in Ness's mind. At last he let go, wrapping his arms around Ness and pressing him to his chest, moaning as he rubbed against his body. Like they were the same Ness... Ness's lips and tongue took to Poo's chest hungrily, groaning with a nipple between his teeth as his body moved up against his. Oh... how he wanted... so badly to...

"Hahh..." Heat pooled against Poo's chest, a tongue dragging firmly against his doppelganger's nipple. Ness dipped a hand tantalizingly lower, fanning against his arousal. Leading his touch downward, he teased sensitive skin just past his balls, though not quite reaching his destination before he stopped, giving... "Ness" a warm, expectant look.

"Haa-ah..." Poo spread his legs, allowing Ness more room to slip through. Pushing back against the pillow, the replica watched his original with an anticipating gaze, breathing ragged while the steamy hover of Ness's exhale hissed dangerously close.

Slipping slowly down his body, Ness gazed up at Poo with a satisfied smirk, keeping eye contact as he drew a hot breath along the length of his erection, ghosting his lip against the tip with a flutter of his heart, resting a hand against his thigh.

The prince leaned his hips forward, indulging in the cozy heat of Ness's mouth. With a shudder, he whispered, "Nn... turn your body here...! I want-! I want to taste you..."

Ness looked up, clearly flustered. With a shaky breath, he let Poo's head slip from his lips, shifting his body carefully. His stomach twisted with anticipation and lust as his lower body hovered over the other, groaning softly as he ran a hot tongue along Poo's erection, cradling it in his fingers as if it was precious.

With a gasp, the prince wasted no time taking him by mouth; he moaned as his lips closed around the head, caressing the shaft with one hand, and cradling soft sac in the other. He was overwhelmed by the spice of Ness's tongue; likewise he was captivated by the musky flavor that filled every space of his mouth. Poo sucked with obedience, letting his mouth do the work while his hands did the witchcraft.

Moaning, Ness swirled his tongue around the head before taking it in, his tongue and lips a hot caress against over-sensitive skin. His caress was passionate, and he mumbled sounds of pleasure humming against Poo's arousal, admiring the taste that he knew wasn't his with a burn of his cheeks and a sharp spike of pleasure-it was like Poo had remnants of his taste in his mouth and was kissing him.

The prince’s lips parted the head, finding that he was hardly able to breathe. With a sigh, he vanished in a puff of smoke, and the original Poo lay and panted in place. Just as he expected, there had been a slight height adjustment-the last thing he wanted to happen was for Ness to choke. Bending forward, the prince leveled himself with Ness's cock again, flecking his tongue across the tip as if nothing had happened.

Ness was too caught up in his movements to notice the obvious transformation back, until his mouth slowed, fingers trailing the length in intrigue. The taste had changed. The feel-everything. Moaning loudly, he engulfed the prince's hardness with sudden fervor, sucking and bobbing, the taste driving him wild-it was 100 times better, oh! The attention to his own need earned a groan of encouragement, knowing it was his tongue now-Poo's tongue.

With his braid hanging behind him, Poo swirled his tongue around his partner's length before taking him back with a suck. Humming in bliss from Ness's treatment, he carefully nibbled beneath the ridge. Tinges of saltiness had spread across his mouth, and as he withdrawn, he recognized the white essence... With a last flicker, he tempted his partner to climax.

Ness's breathing was ragged, yet somehow he kept his concentration regardless, taking the prince in to the hilt, his lips touching his skin. His throat hummed with pleasure, in turn giving Poo more-this was truly bliss. He gave a firm suck to finish him, his back arching in pleasure, a cry muffled with his lips busy. The hotness that slipped down his throat was swallowed eagerly, all while soaring in his own bliss, thick lashes fluttering against his cheeks.

Poo’s breath was shaky as his hand brushed his cheek, finding run-away flecks of white. Staring at the release with curiosity, the prince closed his eyes, licking his fingers clean. He sighed; Ness's scent had clouded around him like a sweet mist. He lain his head on the pillow, panting. Sweat trickled his temples, and his body was hot, wet and gleaming. His braid became a tangled mess, and his eyes were shut in content.

Ness caught his breath, his body hot and spent, yet still he felt oddly energized from his feelings. He liked the taste that lingered in his mouth, swirling his tongue for remnants, more of that delicious essence. With a sigh, he moved forward and turned back around, sitting on Poo's waist with his knees on either side of him. Pressing his hands to his chest, he returned the smile with a boyish grin-trademark Ness-before his expression hardened somewhat, eyes closing.

"PK Lifeup Gamma!"

The glow and geometrical shapes flickered before his vision, and Poo found himself able to breathe again, putting his hand on Ness's shoulder. Beautiful little devil.

"Wait here." Poo fetched the jar that waited patiently outside the bed, handing it to Ness with a nod. Ness smiled at him with care, pleased that he had no objections to continuing. Taking the jar, he closed his eyes, asking silently for similar treatment.
Dipping his hand with the lotion, the prince massaged Ness's erection, kissing him by the crook of the neck.

"I want you inside me..." The prince murmured, and he shifted higher to fleck across Ness's ear lobe, as if to make a point.
"Poo..." His breath hitched, hands clutching Poo's shoulders. He.. he'd meant the PSI... "N-nn, h-heal me... silly." The skin was too over-sensitive from orgasm-Ness needed a re-charge as well. Who would've thought that PSI worked for things like this, too? Still he flushed at Poo's words, hot breath pooling against his face when he pulled back from his ear, eyes shining with love for him.

Poo whispered the PSI and his other hand flowed with energy, cradling Ness until the healing did its full affect. He nuzzled his head on Ness's chest, hushing lightly in case Ness was still tender. "Are you feeling better?"

He should've realized he could whisper it-having used it too many times in the heat of battle, exclaiming it had come from habit. Chuckling, Ness sighed, holding Poo's head to his chest for a moment.

"Yes. Works like a charm." Slowly he broke the hold, leaning off from his waist and hovering over him. Dipping his fingers into the jar to the side, he let them come to rest against the prince's entrance, very gently moving in a tease of the outside. "Are you sure...?" He whispered heavily, even though he'd been so bold as to say it quite directly before... he liked to hear him say these things, treasuring every moment.

Wrapping his legs around Ness's body, Poo grit his teeth as he made room for Ness, the unfamiliar yet intoxicating feeling probing further into his body. Panting, he glanced at Ness, piercing him with dark eyes and a blink-and-you'll-miss-it grin. "It's... good. Oh..."

Ness caught it, feeling his heart warm. He gave him a warm smile back as he pushed a finger in, pressing against soft walls and heat with careful movements. It was arousing for Ness, too-listening to Poo's reactions, the expression on his face, the way the other's legs wrapped around him.

His breathing growing shallow, Poo backed harder against the pillow, Ness's finger like sheer silk as soft as the bedding itself. His body reacted in delight as heat pressed and explored and circled inside... he craved more. Much more. "Nn... y...ess...."

Ness sunk down to Poo's neck, kissing and nibbling hotly as his finger persisted, withdrawing it momentarily as he slipped another in. His tongue flecked as he stretched the prince, moving his fingers as if thrusting; pressing and searching for his sweet spots...

"Ah-! Ness!" A moan sighed from Poo's lips, and he bore his neck to let his partner tease. His muscles closed tight around the fingers, tempting Ness to thrust harder. With a guttural cry, his arm slapped Ness's back, clutching wet skin. "Nn... deeper...! More...!"

Groaning in agreement against his neck, Ness allowed himself to be a little rougher, plunging, pushing, hooking his fingers as deep as they would go. His arousal throbbed with want, and his breath was hot and damp against Poo's neck. The erotic writhe of his touch... he wanted more.

Gasping with satisfaction, Poo writhed over the fingers, spikes of euphoria overriding his hips. His hand ground into the sheets, keeping his grip on that and Ness to hold his balance and not go insane. Hardness rubbed his stomach and he shuddered, Poo bending forward to suck Ness's earlobe. Oh god, how it pressed...!

Breathing hard, Ness was almost reluctant to remove his fingers, the moment suddenly slowing as if the grand clock that governed time had broken. Hands gripping Poo's hips, one slick and one merely damp with sweat, Ness gazed into Poo's eyes through thick lashes, breath ghosting over his lips.

"I want you..." Ness's voice was strained, ragged. "...So bad." The head of his erection pressed at Poo's entrance in emphasis. Ness's head drooped, and a soft cry slipped from his throat as he eased a little forward.

"A-Ah!" The response was sharp-the prince gripped Ness's ass, pushing him forward. Steamed breaths puffed raggedly as a hot presence filled every wall of his insides. Feeling the tip tingle with an electric current, the prince grit his teeth, encouraging Ness to move as his hips ground with his.

Poo's urgency took his breath from him, pulling a ragged gasp from his throat as suffocating, tight heat closed around him. "Ha-ahh.." Ness didn't have the time to catch his breath, making unintelligible sounds as his prince coaxed him. Drooping his head near his, he eased back and thrust forward with a grunt, carefully as if the body beneath him might break. His hips tingled hotly, following with a less shallow thrust, fingers digging into Poo's hips for support.

Finding himself in the position to do so, Poo's other hand let go of the bed, letting it trace Ness's back before tenderly holding his shoulder.

"Nm... Ness! I...!" He murmured, cut with a groan as sparks jolted his insides, a weak spot pressed just right. "God... I want you..."

Ness's body shuddered to the touch, sensitive as his nerves were a-lit with feeling.

"Poo..." His breath shook in heavy pants, fingers tensing as he thrust into Poo's heat, tight and warm and pleasant. "You're... so tight..." Steamed breath pooled against his cheek. "So... good...!" Ness groaned, lips brushing the corner of his mouth in a delirious kiss.

"Ness..." Fighting for the boy's lips, he finally claimed them as he thrust into the kiss... thrust with Ness. Did it feel that wonderful? Sighing with lust, Poo drawn apart with a smirk, flecking his tongue over his lips. He whispered, near unintelligible but one word: "Harder...!"

"Oh..!" Ness's insides twisted fervently at the request, returning the tease of tongue with a hot swipe and a drag of a nibble, moaning under his breath. Everything felt much hotter with Poo rocking with him... he wanted to be closer; he wanted it to feel more intense-for Poo, and for himself. "M-mmn..." Ness's hands trailed up his sides, slipping his arms under and around his back, holding him firmly as he thrust into him harder, his back arched forward erotically.

His arms coiled around Ness's back, and the prince pressed him to his body, arching against the pillow and the sensual bond shared between them... the insides of his hips soaring with pleasure, he was reduced to animalistic grunts, alive with the sensations Ness thrived him with... Poo pulled him into another kiss, wanting to share that experience with him as he arrived dangerously close to his peak.

Ness grunted, taking to his lips almost with delicacy as all of his strength pooled into his thrusting, reveling in the connection between them. Still keeping his hold with one hand, the other slipped deliberately between them with its destination sure. Gripping Poo's arousal firmly, he pumped in time with their movements, grunting and gasping as he fought to hold the kiss. The world was crumbling around him-all that was left was Poo and this feeling, a blissful spiking of pleasure that came with every movement.

Poo's arms held him tighter, and the prince's mind flashed white-hot to a halt. Stars sailed in the emptiness, exploding in a violence of color like fireworks dancing in the void. He achieved Mu. Ness was a part of his spirit, and he was filled glee as he let the open space capture him, now that at last, he was in peace with his emotions... and his mind.

Ness came with a final arc of his body, his head thrown back with a single, heartfelt cry. Hot sparks spilled within Poo's body, a calming light washing over Ness like PSI, only it was far more beautiful. Leaning down, his smile graced Poo's lips in a soft, chaste kiss, eyelashes brushing against his cheek. This was truly happiness.

Panting gently, Poo brushed a finger along Ness's forehead, moving a strand of sweaty hair out of the way and behind his ear. The touch was warming, a soft glow fluttering over Ness' heart. He half lain upon Poo and half pulled him closer to him, letting their bodies support each other. Poo trembled, feeling Ness's hand dripping of his essence. The prince allowed his partner to withdraw, and he reached over to pull up the quilt, wrapping it around Ness and himself. Ness sighed at the cover of the quilt over them; he was already so relaxed-Poo felt wonderful against his skin, warm and firm and comfortable.

Cradling Ness to his chest, the prince let his lips trail the boy's head, leaving chaste kisses as he drifted back. It never felt better sleeping in his own bed, outmatching the time he came home from his journey against Giygas. This was what was missing... his heart lifted from the beautiful being that lay atop of him, the boy who had shown him what it meant to live. To love. Yes! He affirmed it in confidence; he loved him! And he let him know in a fatigued whisper fluttering like a butterfly over the boy's ear: "I love you, Ness."

Ness was smiling in content, warmly holding him as he cuddled closer, indulging in the comfort of his warmth. He had no mind for the wet stickiness anywhere on his body, nor Poo's-it all felt the same to him, and he loved it. "And I love you." Kissing his chest, he sighed as his eyes slipped closed. "So much." His bed had never been this comfortable. ...Obviously.

Poo closed his eyes and recalled everything that had led to them being like this. It was strange... one minute, he was sitting in the palace as stoic as he usually was, then the next, he calling Ness's name to the heavens. In a normal situation, he would've felt filthy. But here, it was a wealthy glow... he'd do it again, given the chance.

Ness's thoughts were contently on the future; he was not one to worry about it. He would go home in a few days... and come back. More than ever, he felt blessed to have his powers. They kept him from the awful fate so many shared; being separated from their loved ones. Ness would always be able to juggle them evenly.

Poo sighed, his expression unamused. Did he honestly say that? Did he really DO that? He understood what Ness's behavior would be like in bed, but himself? He didn't regret them, no mistake about it. But it was so... un-princely.

"Ness, what did you do to me...?"

Ness shifted, looking up at him lazily. He gave him a little pout, teasing his almost-serious expression.

"Brought a little light into your life...? I think I've seen you smile more times today than you ever did during our travels." He laughed warmly, tracing Poo's lips with warm fingers. "It looks good on you, you know..."

Poo laughed. Ness always spoken the truth. "Go to sleep." He lightly brushed Ness's cheek with his knuckles. "We'll have plenty to discuss tomorrow."


The difference was subtle, but the palace felt it. After Ness had gone home, Poo attended the Place of Emptiness to meditate... for the first time, his ancestors were greeted with a smile.

~The End~

fandom: earthbound/mother 2, co-written awesome, rating: nc-17, character: ness, pairing: ness/poo, character: prince poo

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