Earthbound :: His Nirvana (Chapter 2)

Apr 03, 2008 19:24

Title: His Nirvana
Author: Puri & jeansama
Fandom: Earthbound/Mother 2
Genre: Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lemon/Graphic Sex, mild language
Ships/Characters: Ness/Poo
Finished: No

(( RP Roles:

Jean = Ness
Puri = Poo ))

They were alone in the prince's room, as gorgeous and lustrous as the rest of the palace itself. To distract himself from Poo and the tension hanging in the air, Ness busied himself with glancing around the room as he ate. Tapestries of elephants, tigers, rabbits and various mythological creatures hung from the walls, and fancy rugs stretched across the floor with the same decoration. There was a bed with gold curtains and tassels, embroidered pillows and sheets red as roses, and a black dragon wiggling with flame across the quilt. Holding his chopsticks, Poo finished the last of his Brain Food in silence. Ness wasn't doing the eating part so well, the kind of person that couldn't hold a pair of chopsticks to save his life, even if he'd been taught to many times before. A good portion of the rice was not making it to his mouth.

"And I thought Summers was hi-class..." Ness mumbled awkwardly, trying to break the silence with small talk.
"Thanks again, for the Brain Food Lunch." Poo replied, taking a sip of tea. "Eagleland has a way of storing things and making them... still edible."
"S'called a fridge." Ness laughed a little, but it still sounded heavy. He wasn't the type to be able to mask his emotions. He looked off, absently eying the embroidery of a tapestry on the wall.

Having finished lunch, Poo shrugged his shoulders, disposing of the styrofoam container. He sighed, knowing the tension couldn't be ignored much longer.

"I'll admit... what you did today was bold." Poo said. "Nobody in Dalaam has the courage to kiss a prince in front of other people."
"...It was out of line." Ness stopped eating, slowly lowering the bowl as he looked down. He felt terrible for being the source of this tension. And he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he ended up pushing Poo away. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. To be honest, I wondered what it would be like... to be as open as you."

And free. Wild. Like him. But he was too polite for that. Their cultures and way of life were distinct, still the Chosen 4 accepted him... especially Ness. Ness didn't mind he was quiet. Ness didn't mind he was different. Ness didn't mind that he was bewildered by the city. Instead, he happily took him by the hand, to a new world, a new adventure...

Ness shifted a little, somewhat surprised. He'd fully expected Poo to say something... more hurtful than that. He smiled a little, thinking of all the awkward moments Poo had had over the course of their journey. But...

"This... This isn't about that, though." You didn't see him kissing the other two. The capped boy’s gut twisted uncomfortably saying it.
"I don't know what it's like." Poo sighed. "I've had proposals before... I turned them all down, and I still feel nothing. The women talk about me, and yet... I don't understand. It's something I never thought or cared to think about. There were more important things to me than love."

Ness's eyes softened in sympathy; he didn't know what it was like first-hand, but he could understand. He'd understood all along why Poo was so conservative… it was how he was raised to be. He looked down.

"That isn't love... They don't even really know you... they just think you're amazing and hot because you're the prince." He sounded a little resentful about how they could be like that.

At his comment Poo looked up. He approached Ness.

"Could you... hold still a moment?"
"Hmm..?" Ness looked over curiously, assuming there was rice all over his face and Poo didn't want any getting on the floor. It looked so... expensive.

Poo brushed a little rice from Ness's cheek with a napkin. Ness froze, feeling foreign as Poo wiped his face... it was something he never would've expected from him. When he moved towards him, Ness was frozen, paralyzed from his emotions and how backwards the situation suddenly was. The prince sighed and leaned forward, pressing his lips over Ness's. A fuzzy sensation clouded his mind, his face feeling hot and his nerves relaxing. He'd forgotten what he wanted to look for... all he could think about was the gentle warmth. Ness brushed back slowly and gently exhaled, his body tingling.

Poo drawn apart, panting softly as a tight feeling clenched in his chest.

"Oh god..." Did he just do that? He put his hands on Ness's shoulders, and his eyes pleaded for Ness to give him the answer. This shouldn't happen... yet he didn't move his hands, feeling comfortable where they are now...

Ness stared at him, his eyes soft and reflecting emotion. He felt a little anxious, even though the situation had taken a turn for the better. Reaching out, he gently touched his fingers to Poo's face, trailing his cheek like it was a beautiful sin. Eyes slipping closed, he leaned in to kiss him gently, his hand cupping Poo's cheek.

This time, Poo returned the kiss, feeling a twinge of guilt as he did so. But he had to admit, it felt pleasant. His thumbs massaged Ness, and he leaned forward, kissing him deeper.

It took some effort to control himself; Ness not wanting to overpower Poo when he was finally able to do what he'd longed to do for so long... He stood up, deepening the kiss with parted lips, still gentle and testing. He enjoyed the feel of creamy skin beneath his fingers... oh, it was so nice to, finally...

Breaking apart with a gasp, the prince stared down. "Nn..." His heart beat faster, racing at this point. "Ness... I..." His cheeks were burning.

Ness was significantly calmer, though his heart beat fast and his chest felt warm. "What..?" He asked with a little smile, bending to try to meet his gaze.

Lifting his head slowly, Poo found himself absorbed in Ness's eyes, the dark irises contrasting peach skin. Held in awe, the prince embraced Ness, more confident and personal than the first. His fingers combed down over the capped boy’s back. "...Don't leave me."

Ness's breath left him, and if he was easier to that kind of thing, he might've started to cry. He pulled Poo closer, sighing at the touches to his back. "Poo..." He wanted to say that he loved him, but the words wouldn't leave his throat. He sighed again.

It still felt strange to the prince, but he could see why Eaglelanders were so open with each other, whether it be shaking hands, hugging, or even a kiss on the cheek. In Dalaam, such moments were scarce... touching was sacred and reserved for special moments, such as rite of passage or spending time with someone you love. Someone you... it dawned on him then. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, his lips forming a rare smile.

Ness could sense it-see him smiling like he was magically standing on the other side of him, looking at them holding each other.

"This is... like a dream." He sighed, running a hand along Poo's upper back. The silk felt feathery and nonexistent to the touch... it was like caressing his skin. He blushed a little.

"I may not understand this," Poo murmured, caressing back. "But you've proven to show me a lot of things and... you could teach me here too."

Ness blushed at exactly what that meant. Poo hadn't rejected him.

"I will. Anytime..." Oh god. He was so enthralled in this, and... it wasn't going to end... he felt a little faint. "Poo, could I...?" He pulled back, turning towards his bed. It looked so comfy. He just had to sit on it.

"Of course." Poo nodded. "I am the servant of Ness."

Ness tried to ignore what his mind did with that sentence. He drew aside the curtain, sitting back on soft silk. Wow, it was even more luxurious than it looked!

"My bed is like, a third the size of this. And it's so soft!" He smiled, kicking off his shoes.
"Mm. It's soft, yes." His sandals slipped from his feet, and the prince leaned over Ness expectantly. Removing the cap from Ness's head, he hung it on one of the pillars of the bed's headboard, drawing back the curtain to close themselves away from the rest of the world.

Ness looked at him curiously, his heart skipping as the curtain closed. It was dark... and lit with red and gold, sparkling from the silk and embroidery.

"Wow..." Flushing a little, he looked back at Poo, the charming kimono matching.

Brushing over Ness's body, Poo began kissing him again. Inquisitive tongue flecked inside, and soft breath escaped Ness's lips in surprise at Poo's forwardness, though he wasn't at all hesitant to respond. The prince dug into Ness's shoulders once more, moaning as flavor jumped and dominated him. The sound made Ness's insides warm in delight-ohh, it was foreign and alluring! His hands fell to Poo's waist, gripping there gently as he deepened the kiss, slyly teasing Poo's lips with a hot flick of his tongue amidst fiery little kisses.

Excited by the spices Ness tampered him with, Poo followed Ness's tongue, trying to pin the little troublemaker. Murmurs escaped his throat as they played, a pleasant heat breathed between them.

"Mmmm.." Ness purred against his lips, his thumbs and fingers rubbing where they rested. It was hard to resist pinning him to the bed and ravaging him at the sounds he was making. Instead Ness's tongue explored Poo's mouth, playfully evading his attempts as he teased teeth and gums.

Feigning frustration, the prince stopped chasing him, letting Ness caress him... come to him. As wet fervor roused him, Poo waited until Ness submitted to him, leaping before he could get away and trapping him. His lips closed around Ness's tongue, giving it a hard suck before letting go.

Ness felt a sharp pang of pleasure from this, clutching Poo's sides as a silvery moan ghosted his face; just a breath away. Ness's eyes half-opened to gaze at him, before his hand rose to the back of Poo's neck, catching silky hair in his grip. He pressed his lips to his in a harder kiss, softly tugging at his lower lip.

With a hum, Poo returned the kiss with just as much force. The pressure of his hands on Ness's shoulders increased, and the two boys crashed on their sides, curling against the bed as they pressed furiously onward.

Ness didn't really notice-or at least, didn't care-his hands moving to roam along the length of Poo's back against soft silk, heated from his skin. Breaking fluidly from the kiss, he doesn't pause as he trailed fluttery kisses along the prince's jaw-beautifully shaped, he thinks to himself in content-down to his neck, where he purposely exhales against sensitive skin.

Poo closed his eyes, bearing himself as tantalizing heat pooled over his neck. He let his fingers sink down Ness's arms, crawling beneath his shirt and massaging his back. He wanted to bury his arms within him, but it was getting difficult with the sleeves of his kimono in the way...

Ness paid attention to his neck for a while, noting that he seems taken to it. He trailed wet kisses along Poo's skin, pausing to lightly nibble and suck, making a small mark. The prince exhaled, urging Ness to keep going, gasping softly at the nip on his skin. He clutched the rim of Ness's shirt, rolling it up slowly as he glanced at his partner for permission. By now, one of Ness's legs was slung loosely over Poo's, half hovering over his body. Dipping lower, his lips lingered where his chest started, absently brushing them against the silk of his kimono before leaning up to look over his face. Ness seemed to hesitate a moment, if only from being caught in the moment, Poo's beautiful sounds of enjoyment ringing in his head.

"You want to, huh...?" He spoke softly, finding himself further surprised at Poo's insistence. It was a 'go ahead', coming from him.
"Yes..." Poo raised Ness's arms, his thumbs rubbing tenderly before lifting his shirt, pulling it over his head and draping it over the headboard. He took a moment to look over his body. He held his palm over Ness's chest, observing how light the boy's skin was, his hand dark against the peach that meshed with him.

Ness watched his every move intently, feeling distinctly fuzzy when his shirt was lifted from him. He's shameless, but because it's Poo he feels this is quite a special stage to get to. His fingers trail along the folds of Poo's kimono, asking the question with the soft guide of his fingers as they slip toward the belt holding them in place. If Poo were to deny him permission, he'd be able to stop him easily…

"Oh... oh god..." the prince whispered. He guided Ness's hand, moving his fingers beneath the belt to signify that yes, he wants it off. He makes no objections as Ness works away at him, the cloth on his shoulders feeling limp by the second.

Ness flushed a little at the guide of his hand, and the feeling of expensive materials between his fingers as he gingerly undoes the belt. His heart beats a little faster at the prospect of seeing Poo's skin, his touch slow and delicate as he slipped his fingers under both sides at his shoulders, pushing the silk off slowly. With his upper body exposed, Ness is enthralled, eying beautiful, pale-yet-dark skin with a look of longing. A gentle gasp catches in his throat at how beautiful he is, their eyes meeting.

Poo said nothing, caught like a deer under headlights as he stared at Ness. This was silly, they're both topless, weren't they? Still, he couldn't help follow the crook of Ness's shoulders, and the curve down his figure until it was interrupted by his shorts. His arm embraced Ness, noting the warmth and softness as he pulled Ness close. Ness let his arms fall to either side of Poo's head, sighing warmly as their bare skin connected, pressing close... If there could only be one feeling Ness could feel forever, he'd want it to be this.

"Oh, Poo.." He whispered in a soft sigh near the prince's ear, his head resting in the crook of his neck where he took a deep breath, the warmth of his scent washing over Ness's senses.
"Mmm..." The prince closed his eyes in peace, relaxed in Ness's touch as if he was asleep on a branch of a cherry blossom tree. His other hand stroked the back of Ness's neck, rising to meet messy black hair. He scratched the back of Ness's ear, chuckling as he did so.

Ness laughed lightly with him, charmed at Poo's content. He'd never seen him like this... he could certainly get used to it. He laid there in silence for a moment that felt a lot longer than it was, likely because of the comfortable peace between them.

"...Do you understand it now?" He spoke under his breath, against Poo's ear. His heart fluttered, only warm with feelings for him.

Poo laughed, cradling Ness to his chest. Did he have to answer?

Ness grinned almost deliriously. He's almost too happy to think, though thankfully he's still excited from their activities. But, just this is nice, too… without really thinking, he sucked at the skin that was in his reach, dragging kiss-bruised lips and hot tongue.

"Ah-! Ness!" Poo gasped, his fingers urging Ness on. He stretched, providing room for Ness. Ness shuddered a faltering breath against Poo's chest, hungrily taking to it from his reaction. He flicked his tongue across a dark nipple, rolling it with the slick muscle. Poo slid his hand over the boy's shorts, undoing the button and zipper.

A moan hummed against the skin between his lips at the path of Poo's hand, feeling the tug at his zipper burning his entire body in sensation. Poo... was he willing to...? Raising himself up from his chest, Ness pressed his lips to the prince's cheek, his breath hitching.

"I want to touch you." He whispered with lips brushing his skin, his voice both genuine and airy. A hand grazed Poo's thigh, as if to make a point.

The prince shuddered, spreading his legs in response to Ness's voice. His breath grew shallow as he tore at Ness's pants, fingers scattering for underwear and yanking them down.

The prince's submissiveness and eagerness made Ness's insides churn with delight, that he wanted what Ness longed to do so badly... now, he couldn't help himself. He made slight noises at the roughness of Poo's de-clothing of him, moving his hand from Poo's thigh to spread the rest of the kimono he had left closed before out of decency. As it slipped over the sides of Poo's body, he traced the exposed area with his fingers, deliberately navigating around, but steadily toward his goal. When his fingers finally met Poo's hardness, his breath caught in his throat, cheeks warming as his fingers trailed with a test along his length.

With a sharp cry, the prince lay still, not daring to move as Ness explored him... touched him. Dark eyes watched Ness and his movements, and he clenched his teeth as he tried to restrain himself. He felt his face burning up, panting as he resisted squirming beneath Ness's hold.

Ness's heart raced, Poo's reaction like candy on his tongue. His touch was still exploring over everything, indulging in the chance to learn every bump and ridge, stroking sensitive skin adoringly. Propping himself with his opposite arm, he hovered over Poo's chest, licking at his other nipple passionately, quiet sounds of enjoyment escaping his lips. The prince teased the top of the boy's ear; Ness's body shuddered at the contact, a shiver rippling down his spine. He sighed, enjoying his touches almost as much as he was enjoying touching him like this...

"You're so hard." Ness gasped without really thinking, his hand stroking more firmly now.

The prince grit his teeth, his other hand stroking Ness's back. His fingers trailed down and he squeezed the soft skin of his ass, bucking Ness against himself. Poo's breath hitched, and he lay pinned beneath Ness, pressed against his kimono and the sheets.

"Please..." Poo gasped.

Ness cried out, barely managing to throw out his hand to steady himself. His breath heavy, he took a few deep breaths before resting his arms by Poo's head, properly straddling Poo's hips. With shuddering breath, he grinded against him, their erections rubbing together in the most... oh...! Groaning, he pressed his lips to Poo's in a hot mess, his hips moving as he kissed him with feeling.

"Oh god...!" Hands clutching harder, Poo jerked his hips forward, crying aloud. His other hand curled between their bodies, shivering as his fingers fought to keep their lengths together. Melting into Ness's lips, he pursued with equal fervor, an aroused sound pressed against Ness's mouth.

"Mmnngh......P..oo...!" Ness groaned amidst their kissing, thrusting into the support of Poo's hand. There was something incredibly alluring about it, Ness's hips bucking harder and faster against him, Poo's grip strong-they molded into one. Gasping against his lips, Ness only broke the kiss to trail hard kisses along his face until they found his mouth again, returning to their passionate lip-lock.

"Nn..." It was as if all his strength left him and transferred to his fingers. Poo's thumb pressed the ridges of their erections, rubbing between them as his hand pumped up and down. The friction of their bodies stimulated him, reacting like sparks as sweet as the lips that had claimed him once more.

With Poo's movements intensifying with his, it was becoming hard for Ness to concentrate on anything else but moving, his lips becoming more lingering as his all was put into the amazing feeling growing between their bodies.

"Poo..." He groaned sweetly, his head drooping with the arc of his body. With effort, he brought a hand to hold the side of Poo's face, pleading through touch for him to open his eyes. "Poo...!" He... wanted to see his face...

Poo's dark eyes half-opened and gazed at Ness, delirious as heat and seductive breath hushed between skin. Astounded by Ness's beauty, he shivered as pale shoulders contrasted with the gold and red tapestry... another color of the grand design.

"Oh god... Ness... I want you..."

Ness didn't move his eyes from Poo's, lost in shining, endless black, seeing his expression only arousing him more. He gazed through thick, lowered lashes, his face twisted in concentration and pleasure.

"Oh.. Yes...! Poo..! Poo... I want to f.. eel you come… with me..."

Poo brought his mouth to his again... it was all he lived and breathed for now. Ness's lips melted against his, kissing him without thought. Every brush of their lips met with a guttural mewl, hot breath cascading over Poo's skin with every exhale.

The prince gave in to every urge he had, thrusting in rhythm with Ness's movements. His thoughts were light, composed of pink clouds and joyous music. With a weak cry, Poo lost track of himself entirely. Ness buried his head into Poo's neck. Whether it was miraculous PSI powers or not, they both peaked in tune; Ness's vision white hot as he thrust with him unrestrained, gasping repeatedly as he soared into the sky in bliss, hand in hand with Poo, dancing in the clouds-he could feel him with him, too, and then the feeling was replaced with a warm glow, his body moving where Poo led it, kissing him with a surprising fervor still, though it was a little gentler.

As if he was waking up from a dream, Poo let go of Ness and drawn away, sticky white essence in his hands. Panting, the prince sat up on his knees, pulling out his kimono and lying it gently over the headboard with the rest of their clothes. Resting his forehead on Ness's shoulder, the prince nestled against the boy's chest, sighing in content. Ness tightly wrapped his arms around the other boy's form, holding him as close as he could.

"...I love you." Poo murmured.
"....I love you, too..." Ness looked down at him, admiring his flush and unusual look of disarray. "I've loved you since the day I met you."

Poo had to admit it; a part of him fluttered when he said that.

"You're like no one I've met before. I... I'm glad you returned."
"Poo..." Smiling, Ness closed his eyes, pulling him back onto the bed while trying to retain their comfortable embrace. "...I missed you. It was only a week, and I already missed you so much I couldn't stand it anymore."
"Mmm." Poo hummed. Apparently, Ness made for a cozy quilt. "So did I. Perhaps I would've accepted it if you had never returned, and yet..." The familiar frown returned to his expression, albeit lonelier... and more vulnerable, than he would admit. "I'm a changed man. If it hadn't been for you, I..." His palm brushed Ness's cheek, unsure how to finish his sentence.

Ness seemed thoughtful, glancing up at the roof of the bed, which also had delicate embroidery woven into it.

"Maybe you wouldn't have." He looked at him, the gesture touching. "I never would have accepted it, though." His eyes softened. "Because I love you." And Poo loved him. Poo loved him. Every time he thought about it, his heart seized in his chest. "...I risked everything to show you." His eyes flickered, glancing off to the side. He strongly felt the urge to cry.

"Ness..." Stroking Ness's face, Poo gazed into his eyes, hoping to relieve the sadness in them like banishing evil spirits. "You would never been able to keep anything from me. It's because you're honest." A lump gathered in the prince's throat, and he swallowed it when he was certain Ness wouldn't notice.

"When you came to me, and led me back here... and kissed me... I was so happy." Ness's eyes shook, a single tear slipping from the corner of one. "I've always wanted this." He nudged his face against Poo's hand, bringing his to rest over it with a sigh.

Poo's lip trembled. His eyes softened though they started to burn, afraid of what would happen if he blinked. "Ness... don't cry. Please..." The tight feeling in his throat didn't make matters any better.

Ness opened his eyes, looking at him with curiosity. He was emotional because he was happy, not sad... huh? Leaning a little closer, he touched his hand to Poo's cheek, a lot like how he had tentatively before, though now it was surer. "Poo...?"

Poo raised a hand to notion him away. "Don't-!" Too late. The prince's breath stifled and broken. Desperate in hiding his face, he buried himself in Ness's chest, quaking as shaky gasps left his throat.

"Poo..." Ness's voice was soft, his arms holding him close. It wasn't a very good hiding spot-he could feel hot wetness on his chest, feel him shaking, and hear his pitiable sounds. "Shhh. It's okay.... it's okay to cry, Poo... It's okay." He rested his chin atop his head, inhaling the scent of foreign shampoo.

Clinging to Ness, the prince felt ashamed of himself. And yet... he was safe. The heat of the tears felt strange on his face, and a dull ache resided in his head, starting to make him dizzy. He couldn't remember the last time he cried. Not since he was little. He had since learned to control his emotions, to steel himself for the world around him. And Ness. Ness tore away at that steel, and gutted him where it hurt. The mind was the most precious tool... Mu taught him that. Take the arms and legs, hearing and sight... the mind will remain, for nothing could take it away. The mind defends itself from intruders, letting in only the select few that could pacify it, coat it in warmth...

"Poo?" Ness's voice was soft as his hand gently cradled the back of the prince's head, his other hand rubbing his back in reassurance. He could feel his thoughts in his heart; it was hard to hide anything with the connection they now shared, making their psychic bond even stronger. "Hey…"

Poo's head throbbed, and his eyes were stinging and itchy. Still he lay against Ness, feeling tired and... peaceful. He couldn't move. All the better for it, for this was the only place he wanted to be.

With no response, Ness's expression softened after a moment, lowering his head as he embraced him closer. He was happy... to see Poo both so weak and yet... so beautiful. A hand tenderly brushed at the wetness on his face, drying his tears.

With a hiccup, the prince was still reluctant to look at Ness. But he didn't object to Ness's touch, letting his fingers caress his cheeks. Didn't he always envision himself doing that? Helping others to their feet as any knight or king would? The prince chuckled. Who would've thought that he, Prince Poo, would be the one on the ground? But there was no defeat or loss of honor. Rather, it was like a tiny pair of wings batted in his heart...

Ness laughed with him, kissing the lobe of his ear. Did he realize that he could hear him?

"You'll always be my prince..." A thoughtful pause and a little squeeze. "No... my king." His chest was a flutter with such wonderful feelings, a beautiful mix of happy and... a happy kind of sad.
"Oh Ness..." Smiling and embracing Ness harder, Poo felt the tears return to his face. But he didn't mind as much, as long as he could hold him like this forever.
"Shh-sh..." Ness's breath hitched as fresh tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, his body shuddering as he held Poo as tightly as he could, like if he let go the other boy might fall.
"I-I'm here. It's okay... I love you."
"I-I'll never leave you, Poo..." He choked, shaking against him. Ness wasn't ashamed at all; more than happy to finally show his true feelings. It was overwhelming to have them all come out in just one evening, but he'd held them in so long. So long... Finally...
"So... you'll be staying here for the night?"
"Unless you want to come over to my place." Ness teased in his usual way of answering, laughing in the midst of a half-sob. "But uh, let's face it; your bed is a lot comfier than mine. Ha.. hahaha…"
"It's probably for the best." Poo chuckled. "There's distance between us and the other rooms in the palace. I'm sure tonight you wouldn't want your... neighbors to hear us."

Ness stopped laughing abruptly, flushed from crying as he gazed at him. Bringing his face forward, he spoke against the corner of his partner's lip. "You want more?" He breathed, voice suddenly huskier.

Poo couldn't believe himself for what he did next. Pulling the other boy into an energized kiss, his fingers danced over Ness's shoulder... the prince's other hand tucked around Ness's balls. Ness hungrily joined in the kiss, his body already growing hot from such spontaneous affections. Gasping against his lips, Ness pulled back in surprise, his hands gripping Poo's ass in response.

"Oh god... touch me..." Ness pleaded, pushing against his lips in excitement, his fingers running along the prince's rear. Rough action beget rough action. Pinning Ness to the bed, Poo’s fingers and thumb massaged the sensitive sac. He drew apart with a hiss, backing into Ness's hand for more of the touch. Ness took in a sharp breath at the break of their lips, staring up at Poo with growing lust in his eyes. Encouraging sounds slipped past his lips at the touch and the way Poo's body bent erotically. Giving another squeeze, he ran his hands along firm muscle before slipping his hands along sensitive inner thighs.

"Ness..." Poo laughed huskily. The prince's eyes were half-lidded, and he knew what Ness was thinking. And he liked it. He hummed in arousal with Ness's grip, leaning his face over the boy's neck as the tip of his tongue teased and tickled him. Ness trailed his fingers along sensitive skin, enjoying the tease he knew it was to more sensitive areas. He let his fingers briefly brush Poo's arousal before returning to his thighs.

"Aah..." Tilting his head, he kept his eyes hazily on Poo's face, breathing an airy chuckle. Poo glared at Ness, cursing the boy's mischievousness. His lips pressed against Ness's neck, sucking vulnerable spaces and nibbling them. His hand left Ness's softness, hovering along his stomach and coming oh so close... a finger slid once down the side of Ness's erection. That was it. Every once in a while, he repeated this when Ness least expected it; one stroke, and it was never enough. Ness's eyebrows tensed every time, but he enjoyed the torture-he knew that Poo could feel his slight hesitance, and it was as good a way as any to work it out of him.

"Poo…" He breathed, trailing the boy's balls softly, trailing his fingers until he brushed gently passed his entrance. "Can I...? I'll be careful... if you have something I can use." His breath was heavy in arousal, though more out of wanting to touch Poo than thinking of himself.

Poo clenched his teeth. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes as he tried to think. Weren't there jars of salves and lotions in his room that were gentle on human skin? After all, he was given an offer he couldn't refuse. But first...

Ness's fingers slowly slipped away, worrying that he'd startled him.

"Sorry." He spoke, smoothly running his hands up Poo's legs in what he hoped was a comforting touch. Was it too early?
"Ness? Before we do this, there’s… something I want to show you. Do you accept?"
"... Yes. Yes." His eyes slipped closed in thought, breathing still heavy. His heart skipped in his chest. What could it...?
"I advise you to wait and lie still, if you can." The prince disentangled himself from Ness, drawing the curtain.
"Okay." Ness took a deep breath, not moving at all. His chest suddenly felt heavy, even if he'd practically been given permission for what he'd asked. Ness's chest rose and fell softly with his breaths, his eyes closed as he rested his hands behind his head. He idly listened to the sounds outside the curtain. What was Poo going to do?

Carefully he sorted through the jars, picking out the ones most sufficient for lubrication. Yes, there were there when he was ready for them. But for his next trick, the prince crossed his fingers together, focusing on his target as he transformed... Taking a jar and setting it carefully where Ness used to sit, the prince pressed his forefingers together, uttering mantras understood only by him... smoke swirled about his ankles as another boy, another Ness, stood in Poo's place.

To be continued…

fandom: earthbound/mother 2, co-written awesome, rating: nc-17, character: ness, pairing: ness/poo, character: prince poo

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