From Ground to Shrapnel

Apr 24, 2006 23:37

Well kids? I wrote Knuxadow. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING!!11!1!11 *stick-figures squeal and get crushed inside burning buildings* Wait a minute, that's more like if I wrote Bombette/Watt or Black Doom/Shadow. No wait... that's more like hell freezing over. XDD;;; Um, ANYWAY, this is for carriepika. And bwarg, she's been so kind and supportive to me, and she deserves something for being such a sweet person! T_______T This came a day late, due to me trying to get angst outta my system so I could write and... better late than never! *nod* Enjooooooooiii~! T-T

Title: From Ground to Shrapnel
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Genre: Romance/Introspective
Rating: G
Warnings: Well, if your head hasn't gone boom! already... XDD;;;
Ships: Knuxadow, aka Shadow x Knuckles
Finished: Yes

He had to admit-it was beautiful here. The moss crushed beneath Shadow’s feet, as a waterfall fogged pure white and speckled him with rainbow dew. The black hedgehog emerged from the jungle, leaving the gossip of Flickies and tree frogs behind him as he stepped to the altar of Angel Island.

The Master Emerald glittered like Mother Earth, an immortal spectacle that stayed so long as the planet and Guardian remained, and Guardian he had come to meet. A scarlet figure seated beside contrast of the sacred green, a pair of colored shades gleaming from his head like two aquamarine moons. Aside from these and the Air Necklace he worn, the red echidna was a wild, solitary being-his violet eyes widened as he turned, dreads falling from his shoulders when he stiffened, tense until he recognized who the visitor was.

“It’s you!” Knuckles patted the ground next to him, offering a seat in return for his cautiousness. “Mind if you sit down?”

Shadow nodded without a word.

Funny that, the black hedgehog thought as he seated beside the Guardian. The Ultimate Life-Form had been isolated in the world’s first Space Colony, and then there was he, who lived and breathed alone in Earth’s early paradise, the Floating Island. They were children of separate worlds, one born of nature and the other technology-Knuckles had taught himself lessons from the earth’s dust, whereas Shadow crawled on air shoes and learned from machines as his tutor.

“For a second, I thought you were Bat Girl,” Knuckles had closed his eyes and crossed his arms. “It’s easy to mistake black for a lot of things these days.”
“Wha-You know her!?”
“We were acquaintances once. It sounds you’ve encountered her quite a few times, yourself.”
“She’s a tricky one, isn’t she?” The red echidna chuckled, patting his precious gem. “She never gives up, either. She always sneaks onto the Island at least once a month, trying to nab the Master Emerald. …She didn’t send you here on a mission, did she?”
The black hedgehog shook his head. “Either way, your Emerald doesn’t interest me.”

Shadow took another hard look at Knuckles, who leaned over the Controller and gazed over its surroundings. His crimson form was reflected off the surfaces of the Emerald, dark purple eyes keen and intense while his head glanced one way from the other. The red echidna slipped down and settled himself, his dreads falling to catch up behind him. The Guardian blinked at Shadow, the black hedgehog still and unmoving as his own scarlet eyes bore into his. A little apprehensive, Knuckles took a great sigh and shrugged.

“Been a long day, hasn’t it? It’s been a while, I can tell you that.”

They spoke for what seemed like 30 minutes, though to them, between Guardian and Ultimate Life was an entire century. Ancient and immortal, one from the beginning of time and the other at its finale, they were the only two beings who existed. The red echidna recited from memory, his exploration and discoveries of ruins from his interred history aboard his one and only home, the Floating Island. The black hedgehog spoke little of himself, but enough-he had come from a home he could no longer return, and whatever was left was a cemetery of steel graves. Knuckles spoke of Chaos, while Shadow was addressed an Order-how in aspect of themselves, they were the exact opposite, with the Guardian preserving harmony, and the Ultimate Life volatile to near Apocalypse.

“-And the rest is history.” Knuckles summed up. “I have a vow to keep, right here on Angel Island, with the Master Emerald.”
“…So do I.” Shadow nodded. “A promise I made. To keep the people happy.”
“-Is this about-?”
“Back on the ARK, when Biolizard came. I knew what I had to do then.”

Knuckles was still, recounting his first and (what he thought) final memory of Shadow, silent as he understood. For his oath, they’d put their devotion first and foremost, sacrificing himself for the wellbeing of the planet and his cause.

“…Thank you Guardian. For being on the ARK when we needed you most.”
“Well, I… it was nothing, really.”

Sunset. It was the end of the conversation, but not the end of the meeting. It was like they sat at the edge of the world, and the black hedgehog leaned over to his crimson companion. His shoulders held softly and thumbs resting beneath his collarbone, the echidna’s eyes shot wide and alert as warm lips brushed his. He raised a hand in defense, but Shadow gripped him further, locking himself completely. The Guardian’s eyelids wavered until he surrendered and closed them, letting his hand fall upon the black hedgehog’s back. The Ultimate Life parted briefly, allowing them room to breathe and Knuckles to huff in a state of aghast alarm. But yet, god… he wanted him to come back…

He did, and the Guardian’s hesitation melted away as he allowed himself to be embraced, in return his rough arms lightly blanketed and supported the Ultimate Life. The black hedgehog traced his fingers among his dreads, a peaceful vibe soothing him like a settling cloud. Knuckles himself relaxed, all shock dissipated as he accepted, even welcomed the contact. He opened his mouth slightly, lightly greeting the black hedgehog-Shadow gasped, a warm sweet tingle shuddering in the air between them.

He had a place on the Floating Island. And it wouldn’t be the last time he’d visit.

fandom: sonic the hedgehog, character: shadow the hedgehog, gifts, rating: g, pairing: shadow/knuckles, character: knuckles the echidna

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