Exploited Weaknesses

Apr 23, 2006 16:03

Puri keeps losing her nerve when she writes kiss scenes, even pecks. It's like... dammit, I'm a wuss. Or I've been used to writing friendshippy fics for a long time. Who knows! Another lame title that states the obvious, too. And I have a feeling I just screwed up utterly again at the ending. XDDD;;; EN-EEE-WAY... this one's for panku_tasuku. I'm due to write Sonlaze anyway, as I quite enjoy these two, hehe. :3 (OMG PURI LIKES SONIC IN A STRAIGHT RELATIONSHIP--Okay, keeping quiet. XDD) And um... pity to all of you who haven't played/beat "Sonic Rush". XD

Title: Exploited Weaknesses
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff and uh... corniness. XDD;;;
Ships: Sonlaze, aka Sonic x Blaze
Finished: Yes

I'm still shaky I'm writing again. ._.;;;

Cats never did like the rain, saved for those who hunt for fish. But when a cat completely relied on literally-fiery abilities, well… a certain princess and guardian is more than one way soaked.

"I don't like this." Blaze stated flatly in Tails' workshop. How on earth was she going to find the next Sol Emerald when the storm rendered her crippled? That was like going to war without weaponry--suicide. She couldn't wait, for there wasn't time to lose. But even when she wanted, needed to… she couldn't leave. The frustration gnawed at her from the inside, though she kept it at conserved annoyance. If she hadn't been an expert at containing her emotions (perhaps TOO well), the entire wood cabin would be up in smoke.

"Hey, you know it can't be that bad, right?" They call him Sonic. "At least you still got your legs!"

The purple cat turned and merely stared at the blue hedgehog. Tails had extensively taken care of him after the collaborative attacks from Eggman Nega and Dr. Eggman, and Sonic was hobbling on crutches since. He was resting on the couch now, his broken leg stretched like a sore thumb and wrapped in tight strips like a mummy's leg. He smiled back, but obviously grimaced underneath from the pain and humiliation of being unable to run--and the upcoming weeks of torture from cabin fever.

"You're lucky, you know?" He smiled and flashed a thumb's up. "Depending how the weather turns out, you'll be outta here by tomorrow! Me, well… yeah! I'll be fine."

She had to admit, it was a little pitiful. The princess walked over and seated beside him, sighing as she watched the rain splatter the window like a watercolor canvas.

"Don't worry… I'm sure after all the damage we gave to the two Eggmans, they're not in any rush for the Sol Emeralds any time soon. Knowing them, they're rebuilding their Badnik armies and such."
"…I suppose you're right."

I'll take your word for it.

It was funny what a little time spent with Cream or Sonic could do. For a long time, Blaze had been wary of other's trust, including herself. It still shaken her that she had friends now, whatever that completely meant. The purple feline closed her eyes, the pattering of the storm admittedly having a languish effect. Her alertness peaked again after a light shake on the shoulder, the blue hedgehog holding out a marker while his leg propped in her lap.

"Hey… in case you're gone tomorrow, mind if you'll be the first to sign my cast? I'll miss ya, you know."
"Well…" Blaze looked at him then at the marker, cautiously taking it between the fingers and pointing the tip at her lips in thought. Finally, the princess popped the cap away and stuck it at its end, before daintily scribbling her name in fancy calligraphy.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt.

"Thanks!" Sonic adjusted the broken leg best he could, admiring the signature like it were signed in gold. "You've got some pretty handwriting, there. Most of us, including I… we write like chicken-scratch compared to ya! Man, if Cream saw this…" The blue hedgehog looked up, a positive grin in affirmation. "She really looks up to you. She really does."

The lavender feline's amber eyes widened, and she looked down from him, cheeks pinked in embarrassment. Did she?

"I… really?"
"Yeah, really."
"…I hope you feel better." An awkward response. "Maybe we'll run into each other again."
"That'd be great." The blue hedgehog leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the cheek. Marker shot in the air like a rocket, Blaze jumped back like her foot touched ice water, nearly terrified as her fingers tensed and face steamed a shade of rose. Flustered, the purple cat took several more steps back, glaring blankly at Sonic before her.

"Wh-What was THAT for!?"
"Well… it's a kiss."
"J-Ji-Just don't DO that!"
"Whoa, Blaze!" Sonic was waving his arms, almost nervous as the feline flared danger in her eyes. "I didn't mean any harm! I-!"
"All right," Blaze was still shocked, but her demeanor returned for the most part. "Just don't startle me like that again, okay? You're more mischievous than you look."
"I get that a lot." He nodded, he too becoming more serious. "I didn't mean to scare ya, though. So, when you go, don't forget to give me a call, okay? I'll be there for you when you need me."

Blaze sighed again, turning around and crossing her arms. He's a strange one all right…

Her glove touched upon the spot on her cheek, and it lit alive with soft radiance, like a white baby rabbit leaping amongst wildflowers--the lavender princess closed her eyes, her fingers resting upon it like a fuzzy pillow. Admittedly, it wasn't bad. Actually… it was nice. Her lips curled into a rare smile.

"Just in case you break your leg again… I'll be sure to sign it first."

character: sonic the hedgehog, fandom: sonic the hedgehog, gifts, rating: g, pairing: sonic/blaze, character: blaze the cat

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