New Moon(or please god kill me now(Ifialreadyhaventchokedonmyvomit))

Dec 10, 2009 11:22

So the twilight saga is now inflicted on humanity through movies.I happen to see NewMoon (in CAM print), and was extremely grateful for the fact that I haven't read the book.When I started Twilight out of morbid curiosity I found out that a)curiosity can be fatal(for your brain cells in this case) and b)there was no satisfaction to be had in that book.In fact to this day Twilight happens to be the only book and series I haven't finished reading.I am one of those compulsive readers who simply have to finish something no matter how godawful it is(Anita Blake). Twilight was the single exception to this rule.

Twilight the movie had a single redeeming factor in the form of coughrobertpattinsoncough eye candy,so I managed through the vomit inducing romance of Bella and Edward.I like my vampires as badass nocturnal predators who also happens to be soulless and remorseless killers not undead disco balls(I mean come on sparkly vampires).And don't get me started on the Immortal werewolves and.. well everything else.But the point is (and there is a point)that I got through twilight with my sanity intact(mostly), even with 'The Horrid Piggyback Ride' aka the romantic view of forks and 'The Vampire With The Eternal Wedgie' aka Jasper (side-note: if I didn't hate baseball before I certainly do now).But New Moon took the torture to a whole new level,I wanted to gouge my eyes out in the volturi fight scene, and the cliff diving scene, and the suicidal Edward part, and the....well you get the Idea.I still haven't figured out if the actors are terrible or if they are Oscar worthy in the portrayal of their characters, considering the books I am inclined towards the later.Stephanie Mayer should be sued for inflicting mass emotional trauma through her writings.

In the end all I can say is that even a shirtless Robert Pattinson isn't reward enough to suffer through NewMoon.
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