What Just Happened to Conservatives...

Oct 06, 2005 15:14

I stumbled across a bunch of sexual terms not too long ago, and this one just stands out to me as the easiest way that I can explain what just happened to Conservatives in the Republican Party...

"The Southern Trespass"

Southern Trespass most frequently occurs when an over zealous (drunk) man is involved in intercourse with his lady friend. Through lack of concentration, lack of coordination, or simply because he wants to do it, the man quickly switches from the woman's vagina to the back door without missing a beat. If executed properly, this act catches the female by complete surprise, stunning her like a cattle prod to the ass in a rainstorm. No matter how long the man reaps the benefits of his efforts, he can now be content with the fact that he has committed the coveted Southern Trespass.

How, pray tell does this correlate to politics and the Republican party?

Bush spent all his first term saying that he was going to get supremely qualified judges to the supreme court and what do the people who busted their asses and put everything on the line to get him there get?

A fricken friend of his. Never mind the incredible justices that he let hang. Screw Estrada, quite possibly the most incredible legal mind, not to mention success story, of this generation. Screw Brown and Owen, a couple of noted scholars and legal minds that would Interpret The Fricken Constitution The Way It's Written, ON RECORD! Screw all the justices that he tossed overboard during the "Gang of 14" debacle. And most egregiously, screw the American people that put him there.

We trusted you! And while you enjoyed that trust, it just wasn't good enough, so you stuck it to us. Expect to pay a political price for this next year. If you won't do the things we fought so hard to put the Republicans in Congress to do, we won't bother fighting for you anymore. It might be better to make Congress Democratic so you will use your fricken veto just so they don't get credit for your bloated spending anymore!
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