Aug 24, 2010 09:35
Yes, even in engineering. Not too surprising when you consider the fact that many of the engineering projects are funded by tax dollars (federal, state and local on the municipal side). Industrial projects are funded somewhat differently. All these budget deficits mean there are less tax dollars available to fund things like infrastructure maintenance and improvements. One third of the engineering profession is supported by tax dollars, the rest go into industrial practice. The point is that much of the engineering profession is supported by a steadily eroding base, and at least at this time, there is just not that much work out there for civil engineers. Medium sized companies are being hit the hardest, followed by large companies and small companies. In the "old days," engineering has been considered one of the more stable professions to be in, but not anymore.
I'm just feeling a little scared a vulnerable at the moment, because three people in our division were recently furloughed. A bit of a heartless version of being laid off. This during what is historically the busy season. I'm superbusy right now, but there is an end in sight. I think that I'll be put on reduced hours for several months before the axe comes down, so at least the reduced hours would be a signal to start looking around. However, this is only a theory. Oh, did I mention that the person who does the laying off is coming to visit our office tomorrow? Is that the theme from Jaws running through my head or the music from the shower scene in Psycho? Maybe a little of both.