Sep 18, 2009 09:35
Have you heard of that movement? Until now, I've not really thought too much about it, other than to pay my student loan bills every month. Did you know that you can't discharge SL debt in bankrupcy? The only ways to get rid of SL are to 1) don't take them out in the first place (not an option for me. I worked every semester, every summer, every break.), 2) pay them off (working on it), or 3) die (not my preferred option). I find it really odd that people who are so adamantly opposed to cancelling student loans have a defense that reads something like 'nobody made you sign the dotted line, you should pay back the money you borrowed.' I get that, and I would agree with it if it were true for everybody. Why is it that people with credit card debt can get it wiped out in backrupcy and people are ok with this? I guess people are just forced to sign the dotted line for a credit card and then manhandled into maxing it out. For each card.
Did you also know that private loans are backed by the government? So if people default on private loans, the government (ie us taxpayers) compensate the lender. That's a sweet deal, man.
I will pay these off some day. I will pay these off some day.