Since I've last posted anyway. On the positive side, that usually means I'm doing pretty well. Which to be honest, I have been. I've actually been happier in many ways than I have been in a very long time. My friend Eric visited for a month and it was definitely worth the harrying to get him up here. He added something to this household
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There is a part of me that looks back and mourns the lose of Jay... and we were terrible together. At the time it seemed we shared the same goals and beliefs but in hindsight it was just romance and we never did truly believe in the same world. The only thing that ha helped me see past that is having another love to compare the difference to.
Also, great friends who have stood behind my decision to end that part of my life. i ultimatly made it happen, but i couldn't have done it without their help.
About the world... I want to move to kalamazoo more than anything right now, but it's not the school systems or the japanese rest. that have me banging on your door. it's the friends and the people i have met through friends that make the place so desirable. the thing that worries me, what happens when you, mike, katia move away (i know derek isn't going anywhere)? will i still want to live there?
i think you, crysta, and me have all had simular goals. we don't care about the material. sure we like it when we can hae it... and it doesn't mean i'm not super jealous of your computer right now... but what we really care about is a more bohemian life. love, friends, and art (painting, reading, writing, singing etc.) are more important then "closing that new account" and making finacial gain.
Nate borders on both so we make a good couple simply because he builds my finacial drive and i build his bohemian side.
all in all, i will always be your friend no matter where you live. i just hope we can live in the same city in the future. doesn't have to be kalamazoo... just anywhere that i can be with my best friend.
Just a few moments ago I was curled up in bed listening to the rain fall, and on my backstep is a beautiful lily in full bloom. San Francisco does have its moments. :)
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As for the "bohemian" lifestyle you don't understand... maybe it's not for you to understand. God knows that we all don't understand what drives each other. I'm sure that plenty of people question the way you live your life and also question what drives you. If you truly want to understand what drives a bohemian maybe you should pick up a book about the subject. I'm not trying to sound harsh, i just don't pretend to have all the answers and i am sure there is someone that can explain it in terms you will understand better than i can.
the point of my original post was to comfort nick with the idea that he is not alone in his ideas and to let him know that as his friend i worry about him the same way i worry about you. to tell him that i do not judge his life style choices because like myself i survive on other means than money alone.
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