The case was on Westin McGee(sp) who had already been given three life sentences for three murders. He was in court today because he had cocaine in his pocket
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Currently on break, havn't been called yet. Break goes from 11:30-1. I could just go home and get the laptop but that would mean leaving the jury parking garage, and I don't think I should.
Here's hoping either I get called soon or we get released before 5pm.
This week has been crap. Think I'll be going into a short hiatus from everything roleplaying and will try to at least finish what threads I am in and see how I feel afterwards.
Icons will be posted at some point during the week.
Other then that, erm, I'll keep my AIM open if people want to chat with me.
Why does no one take out the dogs in the morning anymore? I have to wake up at 8am now to take them out and then go back to sleep, not fun. And I love sleeping with my dogs ;; I don't get to see them as much anymore
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I woke up at 8am today, could not sleep anymore. 4 hours of sleep? Why was I deny sleep? Cause I could hear my brother making a shitload of noise on the other side of the door and have no regards to people around him
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