(I am chiyo's father... you may call me ChiyoDad)

Sep 15, 2005 18:54

Name- Kat!
Age- 19~
Strong points- First of all, I'm an honest person, I never tell secrets and I despise lies (and liars.)... I don't break promises. Umm.. I'm also a strong sort of person, I've been through a lot and I'm better for it! I'm optimistic like MAD! I smile as much as possible! I have lots of emotion in me, really. But most of it is good and I can smile and be happy, yay yay yay... Oh! I'm also rather smart, though I don't always act it. But don't tell anyone.
weak points- I'm very vain most of the time ahahahaha!- but I am also very critical of myself on the inside; I'm very picky. I spend so much attention on one detail on one side of something (like a picture I'm working on) that I completely miss the other side of the thing.. and sometimes that kicks me in the ass. I act like I know more about stuff than I do. XDDDD Oh and I cry quite a bit. Most of all, though, I'm very avoidant and I run from confrontation like hell.
interests- languages (spanish major, french minor) baking, drawing, winning, taking pictures of myself, cosplay ^^
dislikes- Peas, corn, bicycles. XD;
hobbies- erp, see interests. ^^;
pet peeves- skin on pudding mostly.

Favorite color- red, and the color of Yuki Sohma's hair :O
Favorite food- tiramisu~ simple flavors come together to form ULTIMATE TREAT IN TEXTURE AND YUM
Favorite sport- I don't like sports really but I guess I could say swimming. I mean.. watching swimming. :O
Favorite music- Old school 80s freeestyle hip hop, yo! and Jrock :x
List your three favorite genre in movies/anime/books/etc- Movies: 1.drama 2.comedy 3.I haven't thought that far.
Anime: 1.shonen-ai anime such as gravitation/loveless. 2.other romantic shoujo crap. 3.comedy
favorite character (explain why if you please) Um.. Sakaki and Yukari-sensei. Sakaki is just... amazing omg XD;;;; - Yukari is similarly so, probably because she reminds me of me sometimes, which isn't always a good thing.
jealous or vengeful? bwaaaa? I want to say neither but the truth is I can get pretty jealous. XD;
dominant or submissive? Subby, though I have my ultra-take-charge moments. But in love life, very submissive.

your goal in life? to be happy and to speak lots and lots of languages! ^_^
Decribe your personality in a few words: how many is a few? errr... Vain, critical of self and others, well-intentioned, happy, innocent, surprised, energetic, sneaky, delicious, endlessly sexy, obsessed with attention.. sly and OPTIMISTIC.
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