I am Chiyo's father!

Sep 12, 2005 13:13

OK, here's my survey :)

Name- Joanna
Age- 21
Strong points- um...um...Im quite nice to people, sometimes? On a good day?
weak points- Terrible cynicism and shyness
interests- music, reading, manga, watching sunsets...
dislikes- sports, loud people, people playing loud awful music, lots of stuff really
hobbies- photography and writing
pet peeves- people walking really slowly in front of me and blocking my path!

Favorite color- black
Favorite food- lasagne and toast and bolognese, mmm
Favorite sport- dont like sports! But..um, if I had to pick..swimming..?
Favorite music- Lots!um, Nick Cave, Interpol, Snowden, PJ Harvey, etc etc
List your three favorite genre in movies/anime/books/etc- japanese horror/high school stuff/Victorian lit.
favorite character (explain why if you please) mmm...oh, i dont know...probably Osaka..she's just so darn cute! um, she just, makes me laugh and feel all fuzzy inside, so I guess thats why she's my favourite.
jealous or vengeful? oooh, jealous
dominant or submissive? submissive

your goal in life? To write books that people might like to read sometimes
Decribe your personality in a few words: mm, detached, shy, neurotic!
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