
Nov 11, 2005 18:47

This week was interesting, but Thursday was by far the best day… possibly the best day I’ve had since school has started.

I had orchestra rehearsal at nine. After that, Mr. Benson wasn’t there for government so I went back to the music hall to practice scales and Bach. I left school at noon to meet my Chatt State English class as Lupi’s for pizza. That was fun. I really like Mr. Dunn… he’s like a normal person that just happens to be our English professor.

We had an hour to kill before we had to get to the library (the purpose of our field trip) so we went to the RiverPark to play on the playground. It was really cute. Eventually we actually went to the library… but that wasn’t very eventful.

I got home around 3:30... Practiced for a while then went to the UTC library to meet my bestest friend in the world so she could help me with my calculus. Sara should be my cal teacher because I learned more in an hour than I have all semester w/ mrs russell. It was funny, sar showed me how to do a problem that was on our practice test. Apparently, the same problem stumped mrs russell and the entire higher level math faculty at school (all two of them) and no one knew how to get the right answer. When I told her I got it right she was like “YOU got the answer… YOU?” (In my mind I was like “You, the teacher, didn’t?”) I showed her my paper and she flipped out because she skipped the Product Rule. I felt REALLY smart…even though I didn’t actually do anything… everyone should have a genius for a best friend. It’s pretty useful.

After that I ran over to the Tivoli to open for the CSO. I changed in my car for the first time. I was afraid someone would walk by and be like “why is this girl half naked in her car?” it was pretty funny. I met a bassoonist in the CSO that went to Peabody. That was cool. Then I talked to Lisa, my old viola teacher, for the first time in the longest. She said she was proud of me, so that made my day.

Help me pick a topic for my Comp1 research paper! "Write on a person that has made a major impact (positive or negative) on society, culture, subcultures..." Right now I'm thinking Ellen G White (she made a major impact on the SDA church with her writings) or Ivan Galamian (he revolutionized violin technique). Any ideas?

Shout out to Er and Gray: how DOES it feel?

"Jemima X" signing off.
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