First off, hello, folks from the f!s friending meme! I'm Jax, and although I don't update as frequently as I used to, you can expect semi-potentially-terrible-idea plot bunnies, posts about fanfics I'm writing, moaning about fandoms, and squees. This is really more of a fandom journal, so...!
Second, this week is Pride Week (in Boston, anyway), and I've been tempted to write some kind of ficlet because of it.
This came about because I sort of wanted to write down Bill's thoughts on gender and sexuality, maybe in response to the rumors that are surely flying around about him, but I sort of don't want it to be just talking/preaching. (Side headcanon note: The Bill I write about is pansexual but leaning towards aromantic, and he's incredibly open-minded about other people's choices. While he understands how sexuality and gender work for other people, to him, both are more fluid concepts, and he sees people as people. So, he's sexually attracted to pretty much everything, but he really doesn't feel romantically attracted to anyone -- although that's probably because he's young and more devoted to his career than anything else. As in, it'd be nice to think that he could experience romance sometime in the future, but mostly thanks to his workaholic nature, he's not really all that interested in serious romance as of anything I write. For the most part, anyway. Meanwhile, the whole "rumor" thing is because when you're an overly eccentric hermit, people start talking about you.)
So then I thought about who else I could write about to make it interesting, and my mind came up with the following:
1. FTM Hilbert
2. Homosexual Bianca
3. ...In the same fic.
Thing is, I'm terrified of writing about trans issues because I'm not trans, but I know people who are and who are very (and definitely understandably) sensitive about how others treat trans characters. I really don't think I could do it justice, so I'm at least going back and forth about point the first. (It would be rather interesting, though, to see Hilbert come out after he becomes the league champion in order to explore how the other league members or how the media treats a champion who's trans. (I'd imagine that the female gym leaders would be okay with it, but the older males -- Brycen, Drayden, and Clay, namely -- wouldn't be. Iris might not be either because she's young and probably wouldn't understand what being trans means, but the Striaton triplets and Burgh might actually be more open to the idea. Burgh especially because I for some reason have no trouble imagining him as being very liberal. I'm not sure why I'd think all this.) If I decide not to do it, I think I'd swap the FTM Hilbert out for a gay Hilda, if only because in this fandom, I've noticed that there's a lot of exploring when it comes to M/M romance but not that much F/F.
That and it would match the gay Bianca. I'm sort of set about exploring Bianca coming out, and I'm a bit more comfortable with that idea in part because... um, so yeah. That and Bianca's just the right kind of character for it. She's got an overprotective father who might not understand that his daughter's gay, and Bianca herself is sheltered and would probably be confused about sexuality. She also surrounds herself with very mature older women, some of whom are in fanon usually paired off with other women. (Hello, Elesa and Professor Juniper. Hilda too, for that matter.)
Also, fairly recently, I've realized how much I sort of fucking hate Bianca. She's part of the reason why I don't watch the anime anymore (and there are plenty of other reasons besides that), I thought she was obnoxious in the games, and good God, the way fandom -- outside of LJ/DW, I mean -- portray her. So I was hoping that writing about her might actually get me to like her again. Or tolerate her. And maybe at least writing about a gay her.
And I'm rambling on about this because I needed to ramble for the sake of figuring out what to write.
...And now I think I have a bunny, so! Watch it get published three weeks from now~!
But this now makes me want to write about all the headcanon I have of each character's sexual orientation/gender identity. Apparently, in my head, there's not that many completely straight, cisgendered people in the Pokémon universe... even though the OTP I practically only write about (Bill/Lanette, for those of you who don't know) is completely and conventionally het. Or about as close to het as the two of them could get. (Lanette is heterosexual and cisgendered. Bill is cisgendered but has a complicated relationship with romantic/sexual concepts. Together, they... have usually-mostly-platonic-but-actually-occasionally-sexual confusing life partnerships?) How does that happen?
Third and on an unrelated note, the second chapter of Mary Sue Must Die (that fic I started writing around Christmas and totally did not forget about) is done and sent to my beta, so that should be up soon.
Fourth, still haven't decided who to beta for the Pokémon Big Bang. But I have time, so.
Fifth, totally taking part in a writing blitz hosted by Asty, hence why I'm trying to produce chapters and writing things at a crazy speed. While also working, looking for a new apartment, researching student loans, and buying tickets for a vacation in August. In other words, yep, kinda busy these days.
...Which may explain why I haven't done that Sailor Moon marathon I said I would.
P.S. Remind me to have a flailing post about MIB later. Because it was awesome. And also Tiger & Bunny (which I've watched since you last saw me) and other fun things.
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