You're a terrible influence, friends list.

Feb 23, 2011 11:24

If your characters are interesting, have a great chemistry (positive or negative) that it wraps me into their world, they can be talking about the joys of watching paint dry for all I care. (I'd actually love to see someone make a character-driven piece about that subject, partially to see if someone can make it fun to read and partially because I think that idea has funny potential. I'm strange.)
- Breezy on Side Stories for your fanfic


On a more serious note, one request fic down and three more to go. (If we don't count the paint drying fic, which I am totally writing.) A Game of Cats is in the last entry; if it suits your fancy, thanks in advance. ♥

Also, watching this video has once again reminded me how awesome I used to think Ash Ketchum was. I need to write about that kid in a non-cracky situation sometime. He's the reason why I got into this fandom in the first place. Did I ever tell you that? No? Yes. It was Ash Ketchum and his adorable stupidity and levels of determination concentrate that made me think, "Hey! This is a really fun cartoon to watch! I'm going to wake up every morning at 6:30 to sneak into the living room and watch it before school!" The more you know! (Do do do doooo~!)

So, yes. If y'all hate me or the fact that I'm in this fandom, blame Ash Ketchum. IT'S NOT LIKE THE FANDOM HATES ON HIM TOO MUCH ALREADY ANYWAY, RIGHT? *fistshake*

In general, I feel like I need to go back to my roots in this fandom. I mean, as much as I love Bill, the fandom wank and general drama put a bad taste in my mouth since DP came out. Secret? I'm not even all that excited about BW. It's got a lot of cool features and is, in my opinion, infinitely better than DP (which I still maintain was the worst generation in terms of everything except the Underground, the anime, and a select few Pokémon I actually like), but I just can't push myself to get into it with as much fervor and hardcore-itude as I did for Gens II and III.

The anime's slowly reminding me what I loved about the franchise. The DP arc crawled out of Filler Hell (rife with irony, considering I don't particularly like the games it was based on), and I adore both of Ash's new traveling companions in Best Wishes. Not only that, but Ash Ketchum. I love that goofball. He was such an adorable dumbass in the first season, and DP showed me he's actually matured a little. And then Best Wishes reminded me he's still a lovable dumbass. Man, I remember the time when I had such a massive fangirl crush on him. (Note: I was his age when I first started watching the anime, so it's okay.) The Mary Sues I made, man.

And of course, I loved Team Rocket when they weren't just a running gag factory. (Same goes with, really, pretty much everyone in the series. This is why I couldn't stand Brock by the end of DP.) And Best Wishes? Promising to have Team Rocket not be a running gag factory.

But as a result of wanting to get back to my roots and find something in this fandom I actually enjoy, I get the feeling the next best step is to avoid fandom. As in, I'll participate in fanfic comms, natch. It's just that with the fact that the majority of forums and general discussion comms seem to be centered around wankhats, I think it might be healthier if I also went back to my roots, which means the golden era before I got into forums and big-name websites. So, I'll be trying to force myself to narrow my fandom participation down to pretty much fanfic forums (where I'll probably spam people with "LOL HI GUYS I KNOW I USUALLY WRITE ABOUT BILL, BUT HERE'S A FIC ABOUT ASH FROM OUT OF LEFT FIELD") and maybe PD. (See note below.) I'm even planning on rebooting a project along the lines of Anipike (if anyone remembers that place), all in the name of the nostalgia goggles that have been fused to my head.

Also, would you believe I actually want to talk about a character in this fandom that I like besides Bill and the other PC admins? I know! Shock and horror, and I have no idea how that happened. I still adore Bill and Lanette and the other awesome hackers in this fandom (and I'm certainly not saying that any of those characters have never been important or influential to me -- and saying this because there's some crazy lovelies out there who believe you need to live and breathe your favorite characters or you're not a legit fangirl omg), but even people in a tight boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationship need a breather now and then, am I right?

As for PD, not sure. I like the comm and roleplaying, but I just can't keep up with it for silly reasons (read: real life > commissions > roleplaying). I need to post up a hiatus note and submit tags, but other than that, I probably will put my activities there on hold until at least the end of March. (Why the end of March? Because my grad school apps should be sent in by then.) And then, we'll see. My attention span is that of a goldfish.

Finally, stolen from tadashi_chan. I really should comment to these memes if I expect to get comments in return.

(I don't have to like the pairing, I may never have considered it before, but name any pairing you like as long as I know the fandom!)

And I will ramble on about:
1. Whether I like it or not.
2. Why I like it if I do.
3. What would make me like it if I don't.
4. If I'd write it/rp it.

fanfic discussion, meme, other, !fandom: pokemon

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