Bill took both the boys out of the house for a few hours this afternoon, mostly so I could make meatballs. But I don't have the ground beef yet - I ended up lending my kilo of beef to neighbors for an impromptu cook-out by the pool last night, and they were going to replace it when they went grocery shopping this morning but haven't gotten back yet.
I should be using this time for writing - there's a scene I've been needing to write for the YOI fic for the last week, and haven't been able to because of sandstorm days and speech therapy days and having the children constantly underfoot. But honestly, I'm mentally exhausted at the moment - because of sandstorm days and speech therapy and having the children constantly underfoot - so all I really want to do is watch Call the Midwife and cross-stitch.
(I'm watching the thalidomide season. It's about as depressing as you'd except, but it's good for cross-stitch. I still need to look into Netflix streaming. Maybe when I'm through my backlog of unviewed DVDs.)
Cleo the cat has been unnaturally clingy and cranky lately. She's 11-1/2 years old, so I'm wondering if her age is catching up to her. Or maybe she's as tired of standstorm days and speech therapy and having children constantly underfoot as I am.
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Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.