
Feb 13, 2018 16:15

I was really hoping to have this morning to work on the YOI fanfic, but Andrew's school decided to take another day off due to a sandstorm. Which never actually materialized, which is even more infuriating. I wouldn't be so upset if the sandstorms that did happen were actually bad - they're not, they so are not. I grew up in Arizona, and we got sandstorms occassionally, and they were annoying and terrible and I well remember having grit in my eyes and mouth and everywhere, but school was never canceled for them. We were in Cairo and there was a sandstorm; you looked out the window and everything was orange. But school wasn't canceled for it.

But here - people have lived in this area for a thousand years. You'd think they'd know by now that these sandstorms aren't worth closing school. Gah.

Bill likens this to DC shutting down during a snowstorm. Maybe. But at least then, the roads are only impassible because there aren't enough snowplows. Here, the roads are impassible because people are wimps.

ANYWAY, MY POINT IS that I'd really, really wanted to resume posting TNL today or tomorrow, and that's probably not going to happen now, unless I can magically find a couple of hours in which to get some work done on the next chapter. I'm just... I'm stupidly nervous about posting it. It doesn't feel complete to me, and I know what will happen: I'll start posting, and then suddenly I'll start noticing little mistakes, and then I'll get right back down in the dumps about it (which is what happened last time). I'd rather wait to post until I feel vaguely more confident - and have everything, or at least more of everything, done and ready to go.

I'm just tired of waiting.

Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location. In other news - I've made a Pillowfort! Because one blogging platform is clearly not enough.

talking about fanfiction

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