Andrew has basically what amounts to the next week off - he doesn't go back to school again until Tuesday - so we're going to attempt night training, as he's still wearing pull-ups when he sleeps. This is partially based on Christmas night, when we made the unfortuante last-minute discovery that he was entirely out of overnight diapers, and then he ended up sleeping through the night. (Our theory is that he did stay dry in the night, only to wet himself as he woke up.)
This is either going to be a spectacular failure, or the best thing ever.
Anyway, he is super excited because he has a new comforter on his bed, which was a necessary thing since he tends to wrap himself up in it at night, which means if he leaks or gets wet, so does his comforter. The new comforter is adorned with characters from the second Planes movie, so he is totally stoked.
And he picked out his "prize" at Target today, if he manages to stay dry for three nights. (I'm not entirely sure this is overreaching or not - but we'll see.)
In other news, Bill and I are finally catching up on Doctor Who. We have watched all the way through "Listen", and so far, I really like Twelve. He is dark in a deliciously alien way - far more alien than any other Doctor, Bill thinks, but neither of us are well-versed enough in Classic Who doctors to say for certain. (From what I saw of One, he was fairly alien as well, if not actually dark.) Robots of Sherwood was hysterical. The one where they went into the Dalek was... weird. And I would have liked Listen very much if it wasn't for the whole "Clara is the Impossible Girl who Pops up in the Doctor's life CONSTANTLY. Again. Always. As a Convenient Deux ex Machina."
(Bill's laying odds that Danny Pink becomes a companion. I would approve, I like Danny Pink.)
(Also, I keep seeing Rose references, but that might be just me. And I could swear we saw that woman in heaven before, but I can't place her and I refuse to look it up.)
Beyond that... it's just striving to make it through the week and finding things for Andrew to do. It's sunny but omgcold outside, which Andrew couldn't care less about but I freeze the second I think about going outside. (Cleo keeps wanting to go out and then changes her mind: "OMG ARE YOU INSANE LET ME BACK IN NOW Right it's too warm in here can I go back out?") The editing on Alpha 1 is done; Alpha 2 is a hot mess. No, seriously, it totally is, I swear there's one scene where I claim it's June and then three pages later, it's suddenly October, and it's like I changed my mind practically in the middle of the sentence. All those people who swear by outlines are laughing at me, I can tell.