Birthdays, Bedtimes, and Random Ingredients in Supposedly Plain Organic Yogurt

Jul 31, 2010 21:23

1. Birthday parties for 2-year-olds are exhausting, even when the two-year-old isn't yours.

1a. There were cupcakes decorated to be animal faces. I am suddenly quaking with fear for Andrew's first birthday, which it's only just now occurred to me is in four months, and I'm going to have to do it alone. Seriously, he wouldn't notice if his birthday is a month late, would he?

2. Bedtime tonight was the first successful bedtime in over a week. However, bedtime didn't occur until 8.30pm, and involved 20 minutes of solid rocking before Andrew fell asleep. Mommy is now exhausted and other than this post, has no intention of writing anything, and instead will be heading straight up to bed.

2a. Thank ye gods (and papilio_luna) that the Bingo Card fic isn't due until the end of August.

3. So Day One of Yogurt was on Friday. Now, I bought the organic yogurt, same as I always do, plain flavored so I could add in his own fruits and such. I wanted to buy the Stoneyfield yogurt, but the store was out of stock of the plain version, so I got the store brand organic, which I've had before and to me tastes just as good.

And as I'm feeding my baby what I think is very good yogurt, I look at the ingredients label. Thinking it'll say "milk, live cultures, maybe water or something."

Here is what it said (scary stuff in bold):

Cultured Pasteurized Grade A Organic Nonfat Milk
Organic Sugar
Organic Corn Starch
Organic Cream
Inulin (Dietary Fiber)
Fish Oil (Anchovy, Sardine)
Kosher Gelatin (Beef, Tilapia)
Vitamin D
Contains a blend of live & active cultures, etc.

I really, really, really want to know why there is fish oil and beef, of all things, in my yogurt. I mean...ew?

Call me naive (and I know many of you think I am, so you can kindly shut up and not hit the "reply" button, thanks), but here I was expecting organic to NOT INCLUDE THIS CRAP. Or at least that yogurt would be, I don't know, vegetarian, at the very least. Sheesh.

So tomorrow, Andrew and I are going to buy a yogurt-maker. I have had a week of crappy bedtimes. I deserve a new kitchen toy, and I have a 20%-off coupon from Bed Bath & Beyond burning in my pocket, and I've checked, I can get one for under $30.

Seriously. Beef? Anybody want some cow-flavored yogurt? :)

andrew, talking about fanfiction, list

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