(no subject)

Jul 11, 2008 20:49

I just now realized I did a very stupid thing, and left my Tupperware at work. And I'm going to be gone for a week, and I dread to think of what that Tupperware will look at when I get back.

I might have to send Bill after it. Except he has a habit of forgetting his Tupperwares too, so he'd only go to rescue it, and leave it on his desk, and it'd still be disgusting by the time it actually makes it home.

And it's such a nice Tupperware, too!

I managed to get to the Wegman's finally - ah, how I love Wegman's, most awesome grocery store ever - in order to pick up some peppermint oil, since that's what my little "How to Keep an Organic Home" book recommends for ants.

(The book really ought to be titled "Buy This Book Because Then You Can Pretend You're a Pretentious, Tree-Hugging, Earth-Loving Snob Who Wouldn't Dream Of Using Anything That Could Harm A Flea. Unless You Want to Harm A Flea, in Which Case, Here's Some Products You Can Use.")

Except Wegman's did not have peppermint oil - I guess all the other tree-huggers out there have been having ants, too. So I got the second-choice, citronella.

Turns out that the scent of citronella is really, really, really strong. It's like sticking your nose into a jar filled with lemon-scented furniture polish.

Guess it's the smell that keeps the ants away.

Anyway, the purchase of said citronella at Wegman's leads me to the first of the several conversations I had this week:

Bill: Sharon, I'm going to pull some money out of the ATM - do you need any?
Me: Oh, please.
Bill: Okay....here you go.
Me: Thanks.

*proceed to put money in...um...let's just say it's not viewable to the general public*

Bill: Did you just...
Me: Yes.
Bill: Why?
Me: I'm going away for a week. I'd like you to think about where the money is kept.
Bill: Guh.

*about half an hour later at Wegman's*

16-year-old Male Cashier: That'll be $11.47. Cash or charge.
Me: Oh, I'll pay in....cash....uh....

*pays by credit card*


Bill: Cleoooooo! Sharon's going away for a week! She's going to play with other kitties! She's going to love Abby and Lou more than she loves you!!!
Me: And Bart.
Bill: That's right! And your brother! Did you hear that, Cleo?
Me: Stop teasing the cat.
Bill: See? She doesn't even DENY it!


Cleo: I would like to inform you that it is now time for breakfast.
Me: It's 5am.
Cleo: Yes, and I am hungry.
Me: You get fed at 6.
Cleo: Are you sure?
Me: Yes.
Cleo: It's 6am somewhere.
Me: Yes, but you are here. Where it's 5.
Cleo: Fine. I'll just sit on your chest while I wait. Ooo, bathtime!

bill, cleo, conversations

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