(no subject)

Nov 24, 2005 08:34

Had the worst time trying to sleep last night - no idea why, really, as I was fairly tired. I think it was just hot in the bedroom. Once them Soviet heating systems kick in, you're pretty much toast. Or roast. Either way, it's hot. We have to keep the windows open just to keep from boiling.

That aside, yesterday was a gorgeous, warm day, in which I dumped my jacket and went outside with just a sweater and was perfectly comfortable.

I have to go out again later this morning, because I need an orange to boil with the carrots, and I forgot to pick one up at the Narodni. Which is just as well, because I like buying from the market better. Nurse J remains completely convinced that buying vegetables and fruit from the markets will give us avian bird flu. Of course, Nurse J thinks we're all going home with tuberculosis, and upon hearing that another family here will be going to Africa next, became certain they'd all get AIDS before they were done.

Sometimes, having a paranoid nurse is VASTLY amusing.

(But seriously - she has a point about the bird flu, even if she's taking it to extreme measures. Open air market, birds fly around, dump their goodies wherever it lands, and if it lands on food, so be it. Better hope that's not the carrot you end up purchasing for your dinner.)

The mousse yesterday turned out all sorts of yummy and chocolatey, if licking the spoon is any sort of indication. (I think it is.) Plus it made the kitchen smell all lovely and chocolatey. I have a kilo and a half of chocolate from the market left - I'm going to start attempting to make brownies with it, the theory being that if I can make brownies with all local ingredients, I can show Nazira so she can make them after we go. Her son apparently loves chocolate so much he has said that he wants to live with us.


Bill: Hey, [ambassador's secretary in charge of potluck Thanksgiving], what's the dress code for tomorrow?
Secretary: Casual.
Bill: So I can wear shorts and flip flops?
Secretary: Not. That. Casual.
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