(no subject)

May 10, 2021 20:01

 Today was a gorgeous day - warm and sunny and not a single cloud in the sky. But alas, I had plans, so no chance to really enjoy it. I wrote my words in the morning and went with Bill to the embassy for lunch (we ordered Thai, because there's more awesome Thai restaurants downtown than there are by us). We ate outside on the porch, because apart from one's office it's the only place to eat lunch. (The embassy cafeteria is strictly grab-and-go.)

And then Bill went off to work... and I went off to get my second Covid jab. Done and done and I think the only reason my arm feels achy at the moment is because I'm thinking about it too hard.

So in two weeks I will be fully vaccinated, which honestly isn't going to change a heck of a lot here. There's still enough unvaccinated people in Poland that I don't think the mask requirements are going anywhere anytime soon, and I still feel more comfortable with the mask on most of the time I'm out than not. Plus I figure - if I'm wearing the mask, I'm normalizing the mask being worn, and making those who also want to wear it more comfortable in wearing it. It's sort of reverse of why I wore my abaya open(ish) in Jeddah. I don't know if it really worked or not.

The weather's supposed to be beautiful the next two days, too - so of course I anticipate waking up tomorrow and having every side effect in the book. :)  And then by the time I'm over them... it'll snow. Because this is Poland, and that's what it does. Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.
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