Think think think

Jul 28, 2020 16:44


The split on Twitter seems to have gone really well. I'm really pleased with how Pen's Twitter is going; I feel a lot freer to participate in the writer's side of Twitter, knowing that if anyone's truly annoyed by it, they can just stop following Pen (or mute her) and still stay connected to me via azriona.  I've spent most of the last week cleaning up Pen's feed, setting up Hootsuite, and following a bunch of new folks in an effort to widen my view in Romancelandia - and specifically, the mmromance side of things. There's a vibrant community there, and I'm just now finding my feet in it. Better late than never, I suppose. Some of it I like - there's usually a general question for answering, if you want - and some of I'm undecided - the purpose of writers lifts, for one thing - but mostly it's been good.

I think I also have the hang of responding/liking as Pen v. azriona. I have been on a learning curve - and a relearning curve, since I'm sort of resurrecting my Tumblr again, and I had to relearn how to put things in a queue. (I've got that now, too.)

So the to-do list grows - but it also has more crossed off. At one point I'll have to rewrite it, but that's a few lines away. I'll also start adding more fandom things - all those Mystrade stories I mentioned wanting to post, for instance. And I really do want to figure out what to do with the Alphaverse. (It is... so problematic, guys. And that's me as an Omegaverse writer saying that.)

The two most important things, though, I'm not sure what to do about:

1. I need an incentive for newsletter sign-up. A lot of authors give away a book or a story. I suppose I could, too, but should it be an already published book, or something new? And if it's an already published book, what if the person signing up already has it? Or should it be something ONLY newsletter subscribers can receive? (In which case, I'd obviously send it on to those already subscribed. And I'd get a lot of people signing up just to drop out again, too, but maybe some would stick around.)

2. I've got to figure out how to market books outside of Amazon - and especially books that have been out for a while. I know of a couple of ways - but so much of what I've got notes on revolves around books on sale. I guess I could do that? Put a book on sale and then advertise, even if it's older? Surely there's other avenues, too?

Think, think, think. Where do people find new books? Or, new-to-them books? What am I missing?
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.
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