My apologies for dropping off the face of the earth.
I am still alive. I just had a horrendously bad week on the personal/work-related front and it made my poor muse curl up and die.
I found out last Monday that a girl in my department got the job that I applied for. To say that I was shocked would be the understatement of the century. She has absolutely no credit/loan/etc experience, and she managed to beat me out (with five years experience in a comparable field) and three other internal candidates from the loan department. HR was shocked. Our supervisor was shocked. There was just a lot of shock.
Ugh. I'm past the crying, and my life sucks phrase, and onto the pissed off, angry at politics stage. Anger is much better than tears. Yep.
So, I am behind on my ficlets. I'm sorry. I am not sure what I was thinking doing this during the holiday season, but I did and had plans to finish it but I failed at that. I am going to get all the ficlets written. It just won't be done by Christmas. My apologies again, but they will be finished in the next few weeks.
I am devoting my week and weekend to finishing up my
spn_j2_xmas fic. And then afterwards - ficlets will recommence until they are finished!
I sent out the first round of my Christmas cards last week, and then today another set is going out. I'm sorry about the lateness of the second round but I ran out of cards and had to wait to get to Michaels (craft store) to get more supplies.
My cards don't have the usual flair, and yeah, sadly without ficlets if you wanted them - sorry, sorry sorry - but they are adorable and I really like them!
I got in some Christmas cards already from
aelfsiden, and
cheshire_monkey! Thank you all for the awesome cards. They are quite wonderful and it brightens my day to go to my mailbox and see mail from fandom! *squishes you all*
Also, as I went to drop off my last round of Christmas cards today, I was told that my cards should have been charged extra. So, if anyone gets a 20 cent bill from the Post Office with the delivery of your holiday card from me, please let me know and I'll mail you out some money for your trouble! I'm so horribly embarrassed and pissed off about this little notification from the post office lady because when I dropped them off last week, that particular lady didn't say anything. Grrr, and argh.