Fic'ing to Christmas - Day Twelve - FIC: A Case of Mistaken Identity

Dec 12, 2010 22:12

Title: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Prompter: polgara_5
Prompt: NCIS/SG1 // Tony and Jack - a movie quip fest
Rating: FR13
Betas: kaylashay81 and avamclean
Fandoms: NCIS, Stargate: SG1
Disclaimer: The characters of NCIS belong to Bellesario, CBS, etc. The characters of Stargate: SG1 belong to Gekko Film Corp, MGM, the Sci-fi Channel, etc. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

All fics by authors participating in this year's Wishlist challenge, can be found here: wishlist_fic
My Masterlist is here: Fic'ing to Christmas

“Thank you for coming in, General O’Neill,” Tony said to the Brigadier General as they stood in the elevator, waiting it to make its descend down to the basement and more specifically Abby’s lab.

“It’s no problem. I’d like to get this cleared up,” he answered and leaned back against the wall. Tony had been surprised as the rest of the team when the prints found at the murder scene of Petty Officer Berry had come up as a 97%, almost but not quite, match to a Brigadier General. He was even more surprised, when they’d showed up at the General’s hotel room this afternoon, that he’d been completely understanding, perhaps a little too understanding.

Tony had expected to wait for the General to change into uniform, but he’d simply grabbed his leather coat off the back of the couch and pronounced himself ready in jeans and a flannel shirt. The elevator dinged softly when it arrived in the basement and the doors slid open.

General O’Neill gestured for Tony to exit first, taking the awkward decision of letting the General lead when he didn’t know where he was going or Tony lead and offend the General. He would assume from the man’s casual demeanor in this situation that he wouldn’t have been offended, but Tony was relieved nonetheless.

“Right this way, Sir. Abby, our forensic specialist, will just need to get your fingerprints to compare against the ones found at the scene,” Tony explained, again, because something just wasn’t sitting right with him about how understanding General O’Neill was being about the situation.

They covered the distance from the elevator to Abby’s lab quickly, and Tony knocked twice on the open door before he stepped inside. Fortunately, Abby’s lab was unusually silent, as he’d called ahead to warn her that he was bringing in the General . Abby turned to greet them, pigtails swinging wildly, and Tony watched General O’Neill’s eyes widen as he took her in.

“Hey Tony!” she greeted him and then turned her gaze to the General, “General O’Neill,” she added with a smile.

The smile General O’Neill graced her with appeared to be completely genuine and he stepped forward, extending his hand to her. “Please, call me Jack,” he replied and Abby extended her gloved hand to shake his.

“Well Jack,” Abby started, extracting her hand from his and gesturing toward the scanner. “I’m just going to need to scan your print here. I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding,” she added with a smile, though they all knew that it wasn’t quite that easy.

“Like when it turned out so well for Jason Bourne when his prints were discovered on that explosive device in Berlin,” General O’Neill snarked back and both Tony and Abby froze for a second, both staring at the General, before a wide smile broke out on Tony’s face.

“He was framed though. Being shot at in another country is a good alibi,” Tony immediately responded. “Besides, they just wanted to draw him back into the game.”

Jack’s eyes grew distant for a second before a wry smile appeared on his face. “I wasn’t exactly out of the country, but I wasn’t in D.C. either. If you’ll allow the call, my office will send over my travel itinerary and prior week’s engagements. I was in Colorado all last week,” General O’Neill replied with a shrug.

“It wouldn’t hurt,” Tony replied.

Abby clicked a few buttons on her mouse before she turned back to General O’Neill. “Alright Jack, I promise this won’t hurt a bit,” she said and reached for his hand. He extended it without hesitation and she guided his fingers, one by one, to be scanned into the system. Once she had a complete copy, she hit the submit button to compare them against the recovered prints.

A few seconds passed in silence before the computer beeped and the results, of not a complete positive match were displayed on the screen. General O’Neill’s mouth turned up in a relieved smile at the inconclusive results.

“That’s strange,” Abby muttered as she started clicking, pulling up the images and laying them over one another. “There are a lot of shared characteristics between these two fingerprint sets. Several points are definite matches, but the prints at the scene are slightly smaller, like they came from someone younger, maybe?”

Tony was surprised when General O’Neill’s eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of a younger person with his fingerprints. But his face cleared quickly of any emotion before he turned to Tony.

“Well?” he asked, looking over at the computer screen where Abby was still clicking away.

“His prints aren’t a match Tony. They are a mystery though,” Abby commented and Jack’s chuckled.

“If you wouldn’t mind getting us a copy of your schedule and travel itinerary faxed over, that would go a long way to counter any arguments from the defense, once we figure out who killed Petty Officer Berry,” Tony suggested, wanting to see those items himself.

General O’Neill nodded and pulled out his cell phone. He flipped it open as he took a few steps away to put a little distance between them as he made the phone call. It only took a few seconds before he snapped his phone shut, tucking it back in the pocket of his jacket. “They’ll be faxed directly to your Director. You should get a call when they arrive,” he offered.

“While we’re waiting,” Abby spoke and Tony looked over at the computer again. Box Office Trivia was up and running on her computer and he groaned. “It sounded like you knew your movies. Tony held the record for two years,” Abby explained and General O’Neill wandered over to stand behind Abby, looking over her shoulder at the screen.

“Held? Looks like Carson holds it now,” he asked, quirking an eyebrow back at Tony.

“He’s a kid from a case,” Abby explained.

“A kid?”

“A ten year old kid,” she added with a laugh.

“Hey! If I could sit around and watch movies all day, I’d have beat me too,” Tony shot back, annoyed at his record being broken, and the ribbing he’d gotten for it ever since. He still couldn’t beat Carson’s record, no matter how hard he tried.

“All right. One game,” General O’Neill easily gave in, much to Abby’s delight. “And when I beat Carson’s record, I expect not to hear any jokes about being around forever to know everything,” he added with a pointed look in Tony’s direction.

Tony’s lips drew down in a frown. General O’Neill couldn’t possibly beat Tony’s record, let alone Carson’s right? I mean, that kid had a memory like a steel trap.


Fifteen minutes later Tony was out a prime suspect in the murder of Petty Officer Berry, and his record had been easily demolished by one Brigadier General Jack O’Neill.

character: tony dinozzo, fandom: ncis, fandom: stargate: sg1, character: abby sciuto, character: jack o'neill, fiction

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