I'm interested in this...

Apr 18, 2005 07:41

Last night I was watching Oz, ya know the hbo show about prison, and one of the inmates that has been around since the show first started was up for parole. He is kinda the main character, the protagonist if you will so it was very dramatic whether or not he would get it or not and HE DOES! WOOOT! it was so great and they way they did, it actually brought a tear and I'm not kidding, it was so great it showed him with his daughter and in the park and him getting married to this lawer chick he was into, all was rite with the world rite? There is hope rite? WRONG! It was all a dream! He wakes up and his parole is overturned! BULLSHIT! I was so angry. I was filled with hope and then it was all a dream, but during the episode I realized something, I've been saying to myself that if I get my discharge upgraded I'm going to start running again and get lasik and take a martial art and work out everyday and stuff but I decided that there is no reason to wait and see If my discharge is upgraded. I need to be doing that stuff anyway (well I dont NEED lasik but I want it) so I cleaned my room a little and wasshed dishes a little (more stuff than I would do normally) and decided that I need to get things together or I may end up in a hopelless situation and my parol may be overturned and Ill be stuck (figuratively speaking, I'm not on parol or anything). I ran this morning on my own for the first time since basic. I pushed myself harder today than I ever have while running on my own and no one is yelling at me. It felt great and shitty at the same time cuz running does that, but when your done the great part stays and the shitty part fades.
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