Jul 11, 2004 19:59
Thank you Dave for supplying me with a good time and a way to meet up with my old friends again. I missed them. I'm really glad I got to see them again. Before, I was actually afraid to call people, because I was scared they didn't want to see me...that I was just such an insignificant part of their lives that they just don't care, or that they didn't really like me in the first place and don't have any desire to talk to or hang out with me...whatever. I got to catch up with people at the party and I really have to hang out with them more before the summer's over. IHOP discussions were interesting. Jon loves boobies. And, How 'bout them vaginas? There was also a lot of political discussion going on at that table...why was it that every subject we came up with ended up being about politics or something to that effect?...even school and my dream jobs (pastry chef, massage therapist, and bartender). I even think the "How 'bout them vaginas?" comment lead to the fact that there's a country where the commanding officers of the military were all female...because men tend to listen more to women than other men. Hahaha...suckers. Whatever, time for me to find out what Lizzie's up to. Peace out