Dec 04, 2002 22:19
have not updated..
maan.. ive got some friggin pet peeves growing and growing right now.. maan..girls are such bitches.. i'm sorry, but i think i see it now... girls are so fuckin scandalous its kind of sick..
i'd hate to be such a sorry excuse for a feMaLe, but hey, i'm PROUD to be a woman..i'm just a lil' bugged right now that all women have to be so.. scandaLous.. it just bothers me that if someone has an issue with me, theyd rather go tell everyone around us, before they confront me about it.. im a VERY blunt person.. if i want to say something, hot damn, i'll say it. deal with it.
another thing i hate about girls is how theyre so friggin complicated.. i've got some inconsistent girlfriends.. maan..they upset me.. i dont do anything wrong, and they ignore me or act hella shady to me for a week, sometimes more.. maybe i did do something to offend them, slightLy, ONE day, but how can that give them the motive to be shady to me for a WEEK?!?! not onLy that, but they dont talk to me about it, and then they just go on bein nice..after theyre done bein shady to me.. errrr..
one last thinG i hate is when girls ride other girls dicks.. i dont see why this happens but sometimes.. girls just worship their other friends.. they ditch me for them.. when theyre around them, i'm not even there.. but when we're alone, i'm the center of their attention.. grrrrr...
well i am pretty damn annoyed right now.
seriousLy, i cant stand these bitches anymore.. i cant wait to get away from them.. sad but its TRUE..
it's like.. we pretend we're all tight and we do all these "Group" activties..but c'mon FUCK the group, man.. group-mentaLity is like...middle school shiet..
six more months till graduation.. thank God its comin so soon..dunno how much ov this i can taKe..
**please note: this was just a life does not center around my social life, cuz honesTly i could give a flyinG poop about this unneccesary drama .. i will never forget to be just plain thankfuL for being alive and heaLthy..and neither should you**