So kids, eh? Say the darndest things.
A while back I mentioned that I was tutoring Junior kids now. This one little asian boy is a bundle of distraction. Let's call him Bobby. When he speaks he has a slight asian accent, and sort of yells things.
Bobby: Erica, if you cut your legs, YOU DIE?!? You cut your arms, YOU DIE?!?!
Me: I dunno. I guess it depends?
Bobby: SO YOU DIE!?!?
My Boss who has not heard the conversation up to this point: Bobby, stop telling Erica to die!
Later, when I try to hush him to lower his voice:
Bobby: Erica, are you telling me to SHUT UP!?!?
Me: No, just remember to use your 'indoor voice'.
Bobby: So I should SHUT UP!?!?
Another day:
Bobby: Erica are YOU AMAZING!?!?
Me: I don't know Bobby. Am I amazing?
Bobby: *considers* Yes, you AMAZING.
Me: Then I'm amazing, Bobby.
This was done back in April, only I scanned it and promptly did not complete it. It's really half-assed and sort of stream-of-conscious.
I've had kids break pencils in half, and once one disassembled a pen with extraordinary military precision.
Four kids at once at my table is a bit much. Three can be challenging, because they can't really work independently.
I do sort of miss having a big table with older children and teaching algebra. But this ain't bad either, although my brain has to shift gears to get them to pronounce 'g' phonetically like in 'Gift' and not in 'briDGe'. I probably sound like an idiot - "Guh. GUH. Like GUH-ood. GUH-ift. GUH-ull. GUH."
(It's 10x more draining to do this then teach algebra or fractions, I've found. I always feel slightly grubby from their inattention to Covering Their Mouths When They Sneeze and a tad exhausted afterwards)