I got tagged by
"List ten songs that you are currently digging. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other random people to see what they're listening to."
To be truthful, if I had stuck to the "songs you're really enjoying right now" I think you would've ended up with nearly the entire track listing to the Chicago soundtrack, because that's what I'm listening to waaaay too much. Allow me my guilty pleasures. The movie was just too shiny and purrrr-etty and I am but a weak mortal.
I'm also aware that The Decemberists are listed twice but that's because those are my two favourite songs off of Picaresque.
And in the grand high tradition of cooties and now tagging, I hereby single out:
lady_of_mists and
tomatops (because he says he hates tags but BWAHAHAHA anyway).
If you've already done this survey, I'm sorry for tagging you again. As for the rest of you, go forth and spread the cooties survey love.
NOTE: If this annoys you and you want it LJ-cutted lemme know. I am qualified to perform LJ surgery. *pulls on rubber gloves and grabs a scalpel*