
Jul 11, 2010 20:00

I feel REALLY silly posting this because I don't think anyone is reading this anymore. Buuut just in case someone IS and would be offended if I didn't say anything, here goes!

In case you are someone I know in person (ie/ we have actually stood together in the same room and spoken to each other face to face in some distant fuzzy past) I have revised my friends list and er... deleted you off it. Not because I don't like ya'll! More because in my eccentricities I have decided that:
a) To let someone I actually know personally read my LJ is an invitation to a one-way road of communication where I broadcast and they sit silently behind a computer screen and is kind of stalker-ish and creeping me out! It's not the same as a tweet or Facebook status update since I generally write whole sentences and paragraphs in an LJ post so tis' more in depth if yaknowwhatImean.
b) Face-time is arguably the highest quality form of communication (followed by actually talking on the phone... the lowest likely being perhaps a public Facebook wall post that not only you but everyone else on my Facebook list can read, or a txt msg w/ nufin but bad speling, emoticons & txt spk). If you would like to know what is going on with my life, and I already know you in person -- let's catch up! I would love to! I don't bite.

That being said, the art posts will generally always remain public. Generally there has not been much to write about in LJ lately anyway, as I have always maintained my own personal random guideline for what I considered acceptable (eg/ 1) Absolutely no writing about work in a serious way, only ever light-hearted and in passing, and even then keep it brief; 2) Never write about anything serious going on in my life - hence all the lame fluffy university procrastination posts that comprise the bulk of past entries; etc.). As a result of these guidelines there has been nothing acceptable to share bloggy-wise lately as it's all kinda' boring grown-up stuff going on! So.

OK NOW that silly bit is over with and I can move on to pretending no one is paying too much attention here.

Hey, want some photos of sort-of-north Ontario? No? Well too bad they're going up for... uh... posterity.

Sauble Falls Ont-air-ree-air-ree-air-ree-ooooh (aka Ontario)

Top row left-to-right:
1) The water is THAT clear up river. Hello gorgeous river rocks, nice to see you too.
2) They are called Sauble Falls because there are...uh... Falls. Also I just wanted to grab a pic of the only seagull there. The only seagull at the falls who also STARED RIGHT AT ME.
Bottom row left-to-right:
3) That bird looks like a goose. Possibly it is not a goose. But possibly it IS a goose. Aviary creature experts, please weigh in.
4) Trees + water = Canada, once you get away from the major cities.

Also, I should point out that warning signs should be heeded in a torrential downpour or when water levels rise due to early spring melts, etc. but on a sunny calm day in July it can be disregarded (although exercising due caution as them river rocks are slippery):

All those people. Don't be a lame kid and stand on the banks. Splish splashin' around was a highlight.

Aaaand I'm out for now. There are some arty things but this post is already long ENOUGH what with nonsensical disclaimers and picture posts. I'm off to perform the menial task of ironing business clothes for Monday. Booooo.

bon voyage : roadtrip, bon voyage

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