[Originally Posted at www.azchick.com] First, a new photo! I'm rather fond of it if I may say so myself! :)
Now, another story...
So during class the other night, a fellow student decided to "make fun of" the way I write. Well, not really make fun of. More like "HA! You write funny.", in a non-threatening-not-trying-to-be-mean kind of way. Or so I think. Anyways, that's really beside the point.
We thus discovered that I do not hold my pencil properly.
Example A: The correct way to hold a pencil (except it's a marker... just pretend it's a pencil)
Example B: My way. Which is apparently, not correct.
Naturally I figured it was just a family thing, you know. Except it's not.. I'm the only one in my family who holds it this way. And I can't for the life of me figure out why I write like this. Oh, and when I try to write "normal", I'm pretty unsuccesful (the bottom writing sample below).
Does anyone else write funny like me?!
The bad thing is, that's probably not going to be good being a teacher... Haha, all my kiddos are going to write funny. Oh well. I think I want to teach 5th grade instead of 3rd now. And hopefully kids know how to write by then...
(Sorry for the blurryness... I've also discovered I can't take very clear photos with my left hand... Ha!)
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