[Originally Posted at www.azchick.com] I decided I should do something a bit more productive with time off.
So... I made a new crabitat for Sable and Sebastian!
Krystal has officially labeled me a dork for my valiant efforts. :-P
Anywho, without further adieu -
Sable enjoying his brand new super fantastic orange paper origami boat!
I have no idea what Sable was up to here. He ended up getting stuck between the coco-hut and the little log, so I had to rescue him. Haha, silly crab!
So there you have it. A glimpse at what I do in my spare time!
Perhaps it's a tribute to good 'ole Steve Irwin. It's a tiny contribution to helping better the lives of wildlife - or in this case, my darling crabs. :)
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